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The Ramen King

JUR-Z-Devil said:
As i said, im guilty of eating them too... my main point was dude thats ramen king is out of his mind eating that much and that many... Im no jack lelane (sp?) I have many horrible guilty pleasures im not proud of, but i keep it to a minimum...
Well, you made quite a few assumptions with your posts, only to come back to that conclusion.
Unlike yourself, I am a bit more of the Jack Lalanne type.  I'm over 40, and I still do heavy calisthenics 5 days a week. (including wind sprints 2X per week)  I don't load up on junk food, but when I want some, I'm a grown up, and nobody tells me no.  

These "not ramen" got me through 3 hurricanes, when everybody else was either standing in line for MREs, or trying to figure out how you eat without electricity.
So by God, if I have to eat these damn things, I love it that somebody is at least pointing me in the direction of something that tastes like actual food.
I have a motto that I've used for years.  Simply, I eat as healthy as I can, as often as I can, knowing that I won't always be able to.
Life doesn't always allow us the opportunity to eat what we think is optimal.  So you have to be realistic, and allow for a little pollution, once in awhile.
I'm making Shoyu Ramen tomorrow. not sure if i'll make the noodles from scratch or not. I got both. Store bought has buckwheat and some other ingredients while home is just flour, high alk baked soda and water. 
My first attempt at homemade ramen noodles were hand cut and ended up as thick as pad thai noodles. This was a Gochujan sauce noodles with mongolian beef

I got a noodle machine for xmas so doing homemade ramen will be a piece of cake. Maybe i'll do both and see which I like better. 
As for the ramen i'm making for tomorrow that's over on my d3monic can't cook for shit page. Boss start yelling about double posts if I throw up any more pics. http://thehotpepper.com/topic/53473-d3monic-can-cook-but-allergies-suck/page-36#entry1400091
We finally get to eat right--the Darlin' Bride got pasta attachments for her Kitchenaid for Christmas. All things suddenly look possible from here.
You bastards are so opening the barn doors to the world for me. I just had a baloney sammich with 'merican cheese and Plochman's mustard, and I ate it while drooling over Korean noodle dish recipes...Gawd I loved that sammich....
I'm-a gone-a make me some o' them noodles, though. You just wait....
Try Korean black bean noodles. Its delicious and fairly simple to make.
The "instant" from either Paldo or Nongshim is a quick way to try it before taking the time to make it the right way. The flavor is pretty close anyway.
How to make it from scratch but feel free to add or remove things. I make mine with leftover roast pork, cabbage and onion mainly. I also cook mine more like Lo Mein, add the sauce and serve it all mixed up with just a light coating of the black bean sauce. Mine is really more like Chinese fried sauce noodles but with black bean paste instead of Chinese style bean paste.
I often use just the noodles from a package of ramen although you can sometimes find them. The noodles that come with Nongshim and Paldo instants are pretty good. Ive yet to find any that are the same.
Some suggestions for those that want to avoid the huge amount of garbage in the season packets.....
Riken instant Dashi stock....No MSG or added salt. Available in 3 or 4 flavors including vegan. Its sold in little paper tubes which are enough for about 600-700ml  of stock. http://www.pacificeastwest.com/4903307486000.html
Assi seafood soup stock. Not exactly low sodium or free of MSG but way better than those packets.
FIsh sauce....Oh man does it stink at first but it works well for a bit of salt and umami.
Miso. nearly any Asian market sells real Japanese miso and its fairly cheap too. A little goes a long way. Combined with a little dashi stock its awesome.
Fish balls...No they are not fish testicles. I love these in ramen. Just boil them or steam and add to your ramen. These are a real PITA to make from scratch but are widely available at Asian markets in the frozen foods section. Other varieties include squid, shrimp, pork and even beef. They are nothing like a Italian meat ball.
Korean mild pepper flakes....To me these are about perfect for a bowl of ramen. Easy on the heat but huge on flavor..
Korean style wheat noodles. If you like thick chewy noodles these rock. Somewhat similar to Japanese udon but not quite, They are usually fresh or frozen. I always cook these separate from the stock. Sometimes a little under cooked then added at the last minute to boiling stock.
These are the correct noodles for Korean noodle soup called Jjamppong aka Champpong and Korean black bean noodles.
Its not quite Ramen, but its similar, and one of my favs.  I make a hot and sour soup and add shrimp, habs, sweet and tangy jarred pickled peppers, mushrooms, and green onion. For extra heat I broke out a retired favorite Defcon's Asian DM-MKIII.  Since I opened the bag of shrimp I decided to use the rest to make a shrimp dip.



There's so many ways to cook oriental noodle dishes and so easy and healthy too. I cooked a modified version of Pancit Bato Noodle Soup a few weeks ago and it came out great. 

Here's what I started with and made a few changes based on what I had in the house. http://panlasangpinoy.com/2014/05/14/pancit-bato-noodle-soup/
Keep the recipes coming, nothing like a hot spicey soup to warm you up on those cold days.

Thai jungle curry with noodles instead of rice is good.
This is not my pic but imagine this with noodles. Jungle curry is more like a soup than regular curry, and so flavorful!
Anyone wanting those Thai flavors but in ramen I imagine this would be the way to go. NO coconut milk because from Northern Thailand.