The Really Cool Rocopica

Many, many thanks to Pro0digal_son for sending me one of these very hard to find pods. I`m a huge fan of wild species as well as C.pubescens varieties, so this is a double whammy for me.
The Rocopica is a hybrid of a Rocoto and a wild species, C.cardenesii or C.eximium. There is some debate as to whether both these species exist, or just one exists and shows some variability taxonomically. In any case, in Bolivia and parts of Peru the species is known as Ulupica. Rocoto + Ulupica = Rocopica. There is evidence of this hybrid growing in semi-domesticated areas, so it may have been a round thousands of years. 
This particular pod was huge for a Rocopica, at around 1" in diameter. In this case, the pod had taken on more characteristics of the Rocoto than the Ulupica. The seeds were black, the flavor and juiciness very Rocoto-like, but there was definitely more to the flavour. This was also a pretty hot pod, probably around half-habanero in heat.
great review
as for pubescens species I have never had good fortune with them they get huge and don't give very much if any fruit
and I did not over fertilize them either who knows, I may try again some day
I have to say the one that did do about the best was ECUADOR PUBESCENS it gave me a nice small yield but the fruit is quit small around the size of a dime
they would make an interesting house plant if you where able to give them enough light
they do taste quite good too
thanks again Nigel good one
your friend Joe
Thanks for the review mate. It is not easy to put a finger on the flavor. Definitely has the ulupica/eximium flavor in the back end and green or grassy is pretty accurate. They are just like manzano in heat,get some of the ribs and they will catch you by surprise,just the flesh is mild.

I received the seed labeled as "Giant" Rocopica, they are giant,like a miniature apple. That plant wasn't super productive,currently has about another 1/2 dozen pods in various stages of ripening. I have 2 more versions going in the dirt in January,one is smaller in size but super productive. These are proof of how cool interspecific stuff can be.
Pr0digal_son said:
Thanks for the review mate. It is not easy to put a finger on the flavor. Definitely has the ulupica/eximium flavor in the back end and green or grassy is pretty accurate. They are just like manzano in heat,get some of the ribs and they will catch you by surprise,just the flesh is mild.

I received the seed labeled as "Giant" Rocopica, they are giant,like a miniature apple. That plant wasn't super productive,currently has about another 1/2 dozen pods in various stages of ripening. I have 2 more versions going in the dirt in January,one is smaller in size but super productive. These are proof of how cool interspecific stuff can be.
Thanks John, I was so excited to try one of these!!! I have some Cap1530 (more like eximium than cardenasii) and some Peruvian seed for a Red Rocoto from Cuzco, so maybe I`ll try a little experiment next year! 
I have seeds I've grown from Rocopica,Ulupica,Eximium X and Giant Rocopica.
Seeds from the Eximium X are brown,regular pepper in shape.
All the rest are mini Pube looking.

I read that Rocopica is said to HAVE to be pollinated by Eximium or Pubes,not self pollinating.
WRONG the only pods I've gotten over 4 years depended on temps. rather than buds from my pubes(pun intended,just because it's funny).
All my pods are about 1/8th inch.
I get TONS of buds but few put out pods.

Ecuador Pubes are probably the MOST productive Pube around AND shorter season too.
My plants put out pods that were from golf ball to egg size in GREAT #'s.
I have pics that look like Ecuador is a bunch of grapes-but egg sized.

I haven't grown out the giant Rocopica yet.
I assume they are plants that through generations of ONLY crossing with different pubes are loosing the Eximium genes.

I think I'll try and check it out eventually by growing a Cardanancii and Eximium in isolation for a while to see what I get along with a Cardanancii and pube in isolation.

Too many people are growing crosses they know nothing about these days.
Name means little as far as purity.

Like I said.I see Cardinancii crosses with Eximium and Cardinancii X Pubes called different things.
The Eximium X is considered as not Rocopica...
BUT I think possibly without that cross,possibly Pubes couldn't cross to make what is Rocopica or whatever.

It goes farther than just this cross.
Pubes cross with hardly anything else.
Kinda gets into what variety or whatever was the mother of ALL pepper varieties AND species.

Guess it should be a new post,2 ,one about ecuador pubes,one about eximium X and possibly another about the loss of genes of the original cross of eximium or pube X to make rocopica.
A pube X between Cardanancii , Eximium and Pube.

Anyone ever checked out a pure cardi X with Pubes?
An Eximium cross with a Pube?
Does the Eximium X with a Cardi make it possible for the pube X?

Does the bigger pods from rocopica mean a loss of dominant genes from the original exinium x with cardi ?

Probably should be another discussion.

Just something to think about.
Very interesting thoughts on Rocoto, Rocopica, eximium and cardenesii. 
Do you believe that C.cardenesii exists as a separate species, or is it just another one that falls within the species C.eximium?
I guess I`ll have to try a few crosses next year and see what happens. 
Great review Nigel, and nice introduction to the review (I was having some flashbacks with all the colors and music), Also nice addition to the review by smokemaster. Always more than a review with you and your friends. A botanical lesson at the least. 
I think It'll be interesting for another post.
I think it will be interesting to many people.

A big thing in the research type guys is the origin of peppers.

What evolved to be the Mother of all peppers,what one could make the jump between Annuum etc. AND why lets say Jimpson weed,tomatoes won't cross(or any other similar variety in the same family).

Why do Pubes only cross with a few things even though several wilds seem to be similar-black seeds,hairy,purple buds or whatever.
Then you get into a cross that makes things work...with a pure species.

BUT at the same time,you can graft a pepper to tomato and other plants to get whatever.

To me,IT is very interesting.

Once I figure out how I want to start a post/wording, I think it will be very interesting.

Start a post if you want.

VERY cool subject.

Too answer your question,Does it matter if Cardanansii is a separate species?

All that matters is it takes one of the 2-crossed with Pubes to get the end result.
2 separate results in general.
Then add to my theory about genes for giant Rocopicas.

Is Cardenansii really a specific species or an Eximium?
Why does Cardenansii or Eximum crossed with a pube make different plants?

A couple things have been changed by the biologists/botonists or whatever, back and forth over the years.
Buforum-is it Microcarpum or ?,just a name change-why?

Interesting stuff.
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Mine shows intermediate characteristics.The flowers are violet with white spotting like pubescens,flowers are campanulate like cardenasii though. The leaves are leathery and not pubescent at all and not a sprawling habit like some pubescens,more erect growth,thinner branching and lignified.

The literature shows that these crosses are naturally occuring and very common in Bolivia. They have difficulty self-pollinating but not sterile,understandable why they cross so easily and why you see a lot of differences. The pod that Nigel ate was an intentional cross,I'm not positive who the creator was, maybe John Fiedler.