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The Runt


Little guy is going on 45 days old and still trucking along. I got a feeling this little guy is a sleeper!
Personally if I see runts I cull them before they get that size but since you've already grown it that much might as well find out I think.
I had a 'runt' Butch T plant four years ago. I dug it up at the end of the season and brought it indoors to see what would happen.

In a 19 inch clay pot now, I got nearly 200 pods from it last year.
I would say it is more of a dwarf plant, but an amazing producer for it's size.
Hopefully I can keep it going for at least 10 years.
My MoAs (all 100 of them) are runts. SBs have always been slow, compared to other types. Is that chinense in general that does that?
Thegreenchilemonster said:
I had a micro seedling like that, which ended up being one of the largest Pubescens plants I grew last year.
It just hadn't gone thru puberty yet? See what I did there? :party:
Thegreenchilemonster said:
Yes, the seedling was a grower, not a shower.
No, Pubescens - puberty. Geez, do I hafta explain everything? :rolleyes:
:dance: :dance: :dance:
Holy crap! It was pre-Pubescens! :rofl:
I'm sorry, man. I'm in one of those moods. I'm like a dog that found the right spot to lick. :crazy: