The savina red

I like the Red Savina. To me the heat was a bit above a chocolate hab. Also they are a little thicker walled than most habs. The flavor is about what you would expect from a red habanero I guess. Slightly fruity and chinense taste. Not citrusy like an orange hab. They make a good hot sauce.
The Hot Pepper said:
Is it anything like the red savina? :shocked:
I'm growing both.
Red Savina in potting soil and Savina Red in a soiled pot.
One tastes better than the other but I can never remember which one. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Whatever you want to call it, it's a damn good choice. Like everyone says, great for powders, sauces, and even fresh.

I love the red savina.  If you've ever eaten a red habanero, the red savina is exactly that with more heat.  Averages within a really happy zone well below Bhuts but somewhat above "hottest standard hab you've ever eaten".  Keeps to the same habanero 5-minute-burn profile with a quick, sharp peak and relatively quick taper.
Also generates delicious chinense burps.  What's not to love?