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The Splendid Table (podcast) - Episode 662: Pepper Party

This episode is devoted to the spicy nightshade, the chili. We learn about the global spread and cultural importance of chili peppers from botanist Heather Arndt Anderson, author of Chillies: A Global History. We get a lesson on making Oaxacan chiles rellenos from Bricia Lopez of Guelaguetza Restaurant in Los Angeles. Francis Lam visits HEATONIST in New York to taste test hot sauces and gets a little emotional. John “Doc” Willoughby introduces us to a delicious ground chili powder from France, piment d’Espelette. Plus, America’s Test Kitchen explains the different uses for the many varieties of green peppers including in a wonderful recipe for arroz con pollo. Plus, Francis freestyles a pepper and onion jam, and talks with listeners about hobby cooking with seasonal produce and gluten-free cooking for a large group.
This was a pretty awesome podcast. Thank you! The only head scratcher was when Heather Arndt Anderson postulated that peppers weren't as popular in Japan as they are in Korea and China due to the climate. Thought that was a weird thing for a botanist to throw out there.