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the strange thing i noticed. can anyone tell me why?

Ok so the last few days I've noticed the leaves drooping and bending late in the day before my lights shut off. Its only happening on this teipin tho. Or at least that's the one that stood out to me. When i wake up and check on them and come home in the middle of the day it looks normal and before the lights go out it is ask droopy. I decided to take a pic this morning and take one tonight to compare with each other and this is what i got.

This was right after the light sparked. It was just warming up and the flash on my camera came on.



This was tonight


Also i know it looks wet in the first pic and i can tell you its not over watering. There lucky to Get a drink once a week cause i work 2 jobs and don't have time to water them all the time. Lol... I wait till they look droopy and give them some. These had a drink last night.

But yeah, why its it doing this? Is it getting too much light or its this normal? I know some of you guys are like me and spend all the time you can w them so someone had to have seen this before.
All 200 of mine do that too. I think it's just what they do at night. Whether the soil is super moist or super dry, it's always the same when the lights go off.
All 200 of mine do that too. I think it's just what they do at night. Whether the soil is super moist or super dry, it's always the same when the lights go off.

Hu? Well idk. Lol... Like i said i just noticed it and it was only that one. Most the others i have are Chinese and maybe they're built different cause i haven't noticed on them. I'll keep my eyes open tho.
Yeah I think it's just the Chiltepin. I have some Habanero plants right next to them and they stay nice and perky.
How long are you running your lights? It could be that they are getting a little to much light, or just want a drink of water. Whatever the case may be. Its nothing to worry about as my plants did the same thing. You know when to water them right? Just lift the pots and feel how heavy it feels.
seeing that chilitepins come from arid regions, it may very well be an adaptation within the species to allow dew drip down to the grownd and allow the roots to take up the water

just a guess i might sound like a pro but trust me im not

thanks your friend Joe
seeing that chilitepins come from arid regions, it may very well be an adaptation within the species to allow dew drip down to the grownd and allow the roots to take up the water

just a guess i might sound like a pro but trust me im not

thanks your friend Joe

I think that actually sounds like a very smart assumption. I was going to say something along the lines of it might be a way for the plant to stay warm during the cold desert nights, but that sounds way less accurate than what you suggested. Hahaha.
How long are you running your lights? It could be that they are getting a little to much light, or just want a drink of water. Whatever the case may be. Its nothing to worry about as my plants did the same thing. You know when to water them right? Just lift the pots and feel how heavy it feels.

The lights are on 16/8... And it dont need water for sure. Just went and looked and its all perky and happy as can be.

This seems to be perfectly normal behavior, because almost all of my chilis do the same thing, when the led turn off for the night.
They're just tired from working hard at vegetating and are ready for a good night sleep. All if not most plants and animals go through some form day night cycle (circadian rhythm or cycle) some are just more conspicous than others.
They're just tired from working hard at vegetating and are ready for a good night sleep. All if not most plants and animals go through some form day night cycle (circadian rhythm or cycle) some are just more conspicous than others.

That was kinda my thoughts about it. That or the lights were on too much for that strain of plant.
How strange. Mine do the opposite, tending to fold upward before the lights go out, then flatten back out when the lights are on. It's like they know it's their bedtime!
I recall as kid (many years ago) seeing time lapse film of plants doing just this. Also I think there was another discussion about this samething last year.
Plants don't need to take naps. When you turn the lights on is it drooping or looking lively? It looks like the "I need a drink" droop to me. How sure are you that it's getting enough water to the roots?
Plants don't need to take naps. When you turn the lights on is it drooping or looking lively? It looks like the "I need a drink" droop to me. How sure are you that it's getting enough water to the roots?

I think you're taking this a little too seriously. They perk right up when the lights turn back on. Read post #8.