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The SUPERthrive Experiment

Ok, well as most of you may have read, I have discovered a product called SUPERthrive and there seems to be some wonder if it really works or not. I have several douglah plants growing and 1 just doesnt seem to want to do anything, it is green and kinda small compaired to it's 2 siblings so I figured it would be a good canidate.

I took it out of it's 8 ounce Solo cup, shook the old dirt of the roots, filled a new pot with 2" of with fresh dirt/peat/perilite mixture and spread the roots across the top of the soil, then covered it with another 2" of soil. I am going to of course feed it water and every other feeding it will get Jack's Classic 20-20-20 and SUPERthrive. Living under flourescent lights, here it is at the beginning. The marker stick is 10" tall from the base of the dirt and as you can see it is currently 4 1/2" tall.
Doesn't seem like an experiment to see if ST does anything or not. :eek: A better test is two identical plants, same potting mix, same light, etc., but one gets ST and the other doesn't. That would tell you more about how it does/does not work.

i agree. there needs to be two comparisons of identical plants. I am curious to know the outcome as I have seen the stuff at Lowes and read about it on this site. Some swear by it others say it doesn't work. So IMO, there is no way to know if it works unless you do a test yourself.

I have Chile Focus that I got last week. Have sprayed it on a couple of my plants and to date, have noticed no change. I will do a comparison next grow season with chile focus as the plants I have now all have been fed MG 15-30-15, fish emulsion and now chile focus.
There are a few folks around here that have used superthrive and they have all said it works for certain things.

Also if you're using a fertilizer with the superthrive won't that skew your results?
My main goal with this experiment is to get this plant to grow, it is the same age as the others and it suddenly stopped growing even though it wasnt root bound and was treated the same as the others.

I recieved some Yellow Bhut seeds today from TCH (thanks again) and started them for indoor growing. Once they are sprouted and in their own 3" pots (initial transplant from seedling station) I will put them in my smaller grow box under 2 grow lights and grow one with SUPERthrive and one without side by side to see the exact difference. More to follow once they sprout...
I got some Superthrive several years ago ..If I remember right,in the ingredients,There is B-12,some other crap etc..but the ingredient that is crucial is NAA Naphthalene Acetic Acid .Which increases root mass,It is a very minute amount if I remember its something like .005 and thats for the tiny bottle not the mixed ppm.
Am I correct on the ingredients Matt? Its been a long time but thats what I remember.
I am also interested in your results!
The main ingredients:

.09% vitamin B1, .048% 1-Napthyl acetic acid. It also contains the growth regulator (hormone) auxin.

NAA is a pesticide. The broad-leaf weed killer Weed-B-Gone and the infamous Agent Orange, a defoliant that saw widespread use in Viet Nam, are little more than synthetic auxin.

I really don't want this stuff being sucked into my plants. I'm not opposed to better living through chemistry, but I will not (knowingly) stick stuff in my mouth that probably are not good for me!


OK, well NAA is also an organic compound,It is an auxin and is an ingredient in many commercial plant rooting horticultural products; it is a rooting agent and used for the vegetative propagation of plants from stem and leaf cutting. "yea Wikipedia" I love the stuff and buy it in powder form and mix it to the ppm I want.It is great! and I for one hope you have great results!
Superthrive is s not organic, its a synthetic auxin(1-Napthyl acetic acid) along with vitamin B
I believe rooting hormones are usually IBA and not NAA
I have heard that it can increase internodal lengths and that it should only be used at the start of the grow period. That being said let us know!
I've used all kinds of different thrive products in the past with some success. With superthrive plants stature and size were a bit different but over-all production was about the same. These days I try to stay away from all the expensive supplements, auxins, and hormones and try to grow fairly "organically"
I've also used the organic "Thrive alive"(Green bottle not orange) but I believe its mostly just b1 from kelp