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The Sweetest Hot Pepper You've Ever Had

Rezha is very sweet and hot. That's the one with the striations or corking. The slugs
have been eating them, but I'm saving the seeds if you want to try some.
Thanks for the seed offer, guys. I really appreciate it. I'm definitely interested in the BMJs and the Rezhas. I'll PM y'all later, but I'm intrigued in this thread. I've learned about some new varieties, and I didn't realize that BMJs were sweet, too. I thought THC only dealt with the ballsiest superhots they could find.
Now that the Northern Hemisphere's growing season is coming to a close, I'm bumping this for more potential input.

Trying to narrow and decide on my grow list for next year, which will be much smaller.

Datils are on my list.
Check out a pepper called Sugar Rush, which is actually supposed to be quite sweet tasting.

Not sure how hot it is, but came across it on the Fatalii Seed List.
