The Vezena Piperka - a Macedonian heirloom corker!

A gigantic than you to Omar Soto for sending this fabulous pepper to me! What a corker!!!
This is a very old pepper grown in Macedonia for 100+ years, but relatively new to the rest of the world. I`m such a lucky SOB!!!
The aroma of this pepper was very fresh, sweet and a little fruity. Quite typical for a red annuum in many respects, but with a lot more aromatic character.
The flavors were wonderful. Very sweet, fruity with a  nice annuum backbone. As with the aroma, there were also a lot of aromatics in the flavor, giving it a very exotic character. Combined, this was one of the very best C.annuums I`ve ever had the pleasure of eating. The finish was rich and nutty, which was an added bonus to an already stellar pepper.
The heat was typically annuum-like. A bit prickly and aggressive, but only just over Jalapeño levels of heat.
Good review Nigel. Really cool looking pepper. Like the thought of the Nutty Flavor at the end. But I'm now very cautious when ever you use the words prickly and aggressive together, as you will see in my recent post of "Nigel Nails It".