The wasps are here!

solid7 said:
What does that mean?
You said "There is still nothing quite as effective for aphid control as a daily spray with the garden hose."
So I said imid based insecticides are greater than / trumps "a daily spray with the garden hose."    
imid>spray with garden hose. 
It may be a good strategy if you don't want to use real sprays for whatever personal reason someone has. But to tell newbies who are reading this that there is nothing as effective as the garden hose for getting rid of aphids is misleading. its ok if your so inclined but its far from the most effective thing we have at our disposal.
What do you think a commercial grower would say if they had an aphid problem and your advise to them was "hey mate just garden hose your aphid infested plants, she'll be sweet mate" 
They want a solution. Not some kind of hippy dont hurt the bugs carry on
nzchili said:
You said "There is still nothing quite as effective for aphid control as a daily spray with the garden hose."
So I said imid based insecticides are greater than / trumps "a daily spray with the garden hose."    
imid>spray with garden hose. 
It may be a good strategy if you don't want to use real sprays for whatever personal reason someone has. But to tell newbies who are reading this that there is nothing as effective as the garden hose for getting rid of aphids is misleading. its ok if your so inclined but its far from the most effective thing we have at our disposal.
What do you think a commercial grower would say if they had an aphid problem and your advise to them was "hey mate just garden hose your aphid infested plants, she'll be sweet mate" 
They want a solution. Not some kind of hippy dont hurt the bugs carry on
My point in labelling something as "effective" was a composite.  I have never heard of Imid before now, and that is certainly not something that I want to use.  But from a cost perspective, there are few things that will beat a few pennies a day worth of water.  From a peace of mind perspective, a hose is far more effective on edibles.
I didn't really realize that I was having a conversation with newbie commercial growers, so I guess I'll have to say "f**k all" to context, and take the hit for that one. :rolleyes:
solid7 said:
My point in labelling something as "effective" was a composite.  I have never heard of Imid before now, and that is certainly not something that I want to use.  But from a cost perspective, there are few things that will beat a few pennies a day worth of water.  From a peace of mind perspective, a hose is far more effective on edibles.
I didn't really realize that I was having a conversation with newbie commercial growers, so I guess I'll have to say "f**k all" to context, and take the hit for that one. :rolleyes:
lol that last line did make me laugh :)
I meant that newbies would be reading this many who don't participate in the forum as such, who wont pull you up on such statements and will take your advise as fact. 
on contrast if you said the same thing to a commercial grower who was seeking a remedy to his bug problem, who does have a clue, and does not take your word as fact. Then I don't think the "just spray with a garden hose everyday" advise would get his business again.
Lets face it you contribute heaps around here and your advise is generally very good. Many people would take your word for straight fact and it usually is. Just trying to keep things on point. I dont want newbies with serious aphid problems pulling their hair our from garden hosing a couple dozen plants every day (and still not defeating the problem) when there is an easy spray and walk away fix.
LOL, all good mate.  As one of your neighbors down there recently asked me, "are you serious, or trying to take the piss out of me"?
I suppose I can acknowledge that your points are well balanced.  Carry on. :)
nzchili said:
imid > daily spray with garden hose  :hell:
And a very light misting with a pyrethrin based bug fogger will nuke the aphids back to the stone age without leaving a long-lived chemical-wasteland-of-death waiting for any subsequent buggy visitors.
Thing is Solid7 you post a lot and have a writing style that is influential and you can hold your own in a debate
This means that you have to double down on your efforts to make sure everything you say is 100%
It's something that I've had to learn myself in my professional career - I'm not allowed to be wrong, not even once. So I use a lot of coulds, probablys, perhapses
Many times a daily spraying with a garden hose assists keeping aphids down
There is still nothing quite as effective for aphid control as a daily spray with the garden hose