The Weed Patch ( lots of pics warning)

Ok, all you terribly tidy garden people just skip this thread. I said else web that I came home to a weed patch with peppers in it, so I thought I'd share a few pics.

Here's my Bhut Jolokia fighting its way through the weeds.


And here's a healthy crop of stink bugs on the Fish peppers


The large leaved plant in the middle foreground is Italian large leaf basil and that's a Corno Di Toro pepper rising up behind it. They're completely surrounded by wild lemon basil.


Remember my mentioning a voluteer Baccatuum plant? Well, it's pushed its way through the lemon basil and is growing over the Rocotillo pepper. It's not the best picture, but you can see what look like unripe Lemon Drop peppers at the top.

It's been ungodly hot and dry. It was 107 F on Friday. You can see where the grass next to the garden got some water, and the rest is brown.


And you can see how weedy everything is. I have some serious work cut out for me.
imaguitargod said:

Speaking of Fish Peppers, I just got mine. Have you had a chance to nibble on one of them yet?

I grow them every year. They're fun, and a good heat for the non-chilehead pepper eater. And they really are great in fish and crab stews and mixes. I make crab stuffed poppers out of 'em.

P_Schneider said:

Weed block Pam, try some weed block between your rows. (Next year obviously)

I usually do put weed paper down, but things got crazy this spring, and I just never got it done.

And, oh yeah, am I ever sorry now.

razyrsharpe said:
man, that looks like my garden. my peppers have pooped out i think...the brutal heat did them in the last two weeks.

Oh, the peppers haven't pooped out, I have bunches of peppers, and my sister and the Puppy Au Pair picked while I was gone. I do have some stink bug damage on some, but I can trim around that and use the bad ones for cooking. For some reason the stink bugs hit the yellow peppers hardest.