Ok, all you terribly tidy garden people just skip this thread. I said else web that I came home to a weed patch with peppers in it, so I thought I'd share a few pics.
Here's my Bhut Jolokia fighting its way through the weeds.
And here's a healthy crop of stink bugs on the Fish peppers
The large leaved plant in the middle foreground is Italian large leaf basil and that's a Corno Di Toro pepper rising up behind it. They're completely surrounded by wild lemon basil.
Remember my mentioning a voluteer Baccatuum plant? Well, it's pushed its way through the lemon basil and is growing over the Rocotillo pepper. It's not the best picture, but you can see what look like unripe Lemon Drop peppers at the top.
Here's my Bhut Jolokia fighting its way through the weeds.

And here's a healthy crop of stink bugs on the Fish peppers

The large leaved plant in the middle foreground is Italian large leaf basil and that's a Corno Di Toro pepper rising up behind it. They're completely surrounded by wild lemon basil.

Remember my mentioning a voluteer Baccatuum plant? Well, it's pushed its way through the lemon basil and is growing over the Rocotillo pepper. It's not the best picture, but you can see what look like unripe Lemon Drop peppers at the top.