The year of FLAVOR...

This is a very interesting topic, especially for me right now. My first pepper I ever tried to grow was a jalapeño, it didn't produce much due to the very small pot I had it in. I moved to Hawaii and the place I stayed at had an orange habanero plant in the back. I remember everyone being scared of it which drew me closer to it of course ;). When I returned to the east coast, I began to grow the habs on a very small scale. I was really the only one besides my Dad who would eat them. We quickly turned into amateur sauce makers. Fast forward to current day where I have 10 scotch bonnet and 10 Caribbean red plants producing very well. Half way through this season I got restless and bought some aji lemon/bhuts/cajamarca seeds from CPI and my guest room has now become a grow room again. A little after that I started germinating some seeds from trades on this forum. Now I have 8 of each of the following growing: XL CR's/7 pot Jonah/butch t/yellow 7 pot/Bhut carbon/choc Bhut/ts morouga blend red/ts douglah. I was very excited to get all of these varieties going but then it hit me, what am I going to use these superhots for? I don't have an answer except that I enjoy growing pods and will eventually land into a rhythm of heat/taste that I and my family enjoy. For now it's about having those dangerous pods growing and watching them go from seed to mouth killer. On an island with only one choice, I would be very happy with scotch bonnets.