The Yellow Turk`s Cap. Mmmmmmmmm

Many thanks to Jamison for sending me a few of these wonderful peppers.
I honestly had no idea what species this one was, from the smell alone. After tasting it, that isn`t too surprising, as it tasted like no other pepper I`ve ever had of any species at first, but then finished with a very distinct C.annuum flavour.
Initially, these are really sour, but in a good way. That gives way to a nice sweetness that contrasts beautifully with the sourness. Then the C.annuum flavour builds and it tastes like the very best yellow bell pepper x10. The heat level is barely detectable, probably well under 500 SHU. Still, that doesn`t stop it from being a truly wonderful pepper. It has a great shape, colour and flavour.
What more could you want? These just made next year`s grow list.
Great review as always Nigel! Sounds like a great pepper! Always looking for low heat peppers for my wife to try (trying to slowly bring her to the pepper side of life), sounds like this one might be another one to seek out for her. She tends to prefer sweet peppers, and really likes the Brazilian starfish and aji pineapple. Could the initial sourness turn someone who prefers sweet peppers off these? 
MeatHead1313 said:
Great review as always Nigel! Sounds like a great pepper! Always looking for low heat peppers for my wife to try (trying to slowly bring her to the pepper side of life), sounds like this one might be another one to seek out for her. She tends to prefer sweet peppers, and really likes the Brazilian starfish and aji pineapple. Could the initial sourness turn someone who prefers sweet peppers off these? 
I`m the same, I need to find peppers my wIfe can eat. This one goes from sour to sweet pretty quickly, so I don`t expect it would put someone who likes sweet peppers off. If she likes Aji pineapple, she`ll like these I think. 
Nigel said:
I`m the same, I need to find peppers my wIfe can eat. This one goes from sour to sweet pretty quickly, so I don`t expect it would put someone who likes sweet peppers off. If she likes Aji pineapple, she`ll like these I think. 
Awesome. Thanks for the feedback. The more low heat peppers I can find to grow for her, the less she gets upset at me growing hots and supers for myself. 
really excited to use these as a base for my yellow hot sauce this year, with a healthy dose of fatali, devil's tongue & brain strains for heat.....