well howdy there guys
I know all my other grow logs I failed to keep up with and update and include pictures.... BUT! I got a new phone and I can upload stuff on photo bucket!! so I can include many pictures and stuff for this now
my grow list for this is gonna be figured out tonight, gotta give it some serious thought you know? all I know is yellow bhut and bhut and butch t scorp is on my list for sure.
well it's a phone camera so the pics aren't gonna be high quality and stuff so for future regards, sorry. hope you guys enjoy seeing my plants in this!
I know all my other grow logs I failed to keep up with and update and include pictures.... BUT! I got a new phone and I can upload stuff on photo bucket!! so I can include many pictures and stuff for this now
my grow list for this is gonna be figured out tonight, gotta give it some serious thought you know? all I know is yellow bhut and bhut and butch t scorp is on my list for sure.
well it's a phone camera so the pics aren't gonna be high quality and stuff so for future regards, sorry. hope you guys enjoy seeing my plants in this!