So this year I wanted to grow some peppers after being bored at work and browsing the internet. I found out that the ghost chili isn't the hottest pepper in the world anymore. That got me interested in what was and all sorts of other things. Then I found this website and am constantly on it reading. Because of this my girlfriend says I have problems because of how much I'm on here. So that's a bit of a backstory on how I got started on this.
So for my first grow I'll be growing
yellow bumpy
australian lanterns
white habs
provided by muskymojo:
trinidad scorps red
chocolate habs
7 pot barrackpore
7 pot yellow
7 pot douglah
7 pot brain strain
bhut jolokia indian carbon
Hoping to have a good grow from this for my first year!
I'll be ordering some more seeds that aren't c chinense soon to start a little later.
Lets start with my light
I picked this up at menards with 2 sets of lights, 2, 5000K bulbs and 2 6500K bulbs.
The fixture is a 4' T8 25-40W supporting fixture but my bulbs are 32W.
Then I have my 72 cell tray with a dome and heating mat
I have 2 different thermometers and a new one in the mail. I have a long tube one that sits on top of the tray and one that goes down into the soil to measure the temp closer to the water/heat mat.
I filled my trays with Jiffy seed starting mix
Then added water to the bottom and placed it on the heat mat for 2 days to soak up water and get a good regular temp idea.
I soaked my seeds for 8+ hours today to prepare to transfer to the soil.
After I got all my seeds planted and covered in soil with all the excess water drained from the bottom of the tray I put the dome on. I was able to achieve ~90F with a blanket over the top of the dome ally haveat the soil and air temp. Without any covering I usually get ~80F at the water and ~78F air temp. I'm hoping with partial covering that isn't too heavy I can have 80-85F air and soil temp.
(Planted 2/5/12)
If I can't maintain a good air temp I'll have to break out my heat lamp to raise it 2 or 3 degrees.
I bought a 48"x25' roll of mylar for when the seeds sprout.
I am currently in the process of making mylar reflective shields for my light fixture and a mylar tent that will cover everything. Maybe this will help raise the temp if I can't keep it high enough. If I get hot spots in the tent for some reason or another I have a spare computer fan I can wire up and put in the tent to circulate air. It can also be used to "harden" up the plants before I transfer them outside.
Sorry for the cell phone pics bit I don't have a very good camera (I do have a decent video camera though so I may make my glog video based and have 1-2 min updates every so often)
So for my first grow I'll be growing
yellow bumpy
australian lanterns
white habs
provided by muskymojo:
trinidad scorps red
chocolate habs
7 pot barrackpore
7 pot yellow
7 pot douglah
7 pot brain strain
bhut jolokia indian carbon
Hoping to have a good grow from this for my first year!
I'll be ordering some more seeds that aren't c chinense soon to start a little later.
Lets start with my light
I picked this up at menards with 2 sets of lights, 2, 5000K bulbs and 2 6500K bulbs.
The fixture is a 4' T8 25-40W supporting fixture but my bulbs are 32W.
Then I have my 72 cell tray with a dome and heating mat
I have 2 different thermometers and a new one in the mail. I have a long tube one that sits on top of the tray and one that goes down into the soil to measure the temp closer to the water/heat mat.
I filled my trays with Jiffy seed starting mix
Then added water to the bottom and placed it on the heat mat for 2 days to soak up water and get a good regular temp idea.
I soaked my seeds for 8+ hours today to prepare to transfer to the soil.
After I got all my seeds planted and covered in soil with all the excess water drained from the bottom of the tray I put the dome on. I was able to achieve ~90F with a blanket over the top of the dome ally haveat the soil and air temp. Without any covering I usually get ~80F at the water and ~78F air temp. I'm hoping with partial covering that isn't too heavy I can have 80-85F air and soil temp.
(Planted 2/5/12)
If I can't maintain a good air temp I'll have to break out my heat lamp to raise it 2 or 3 degrees.
I bought a 48"x25' roll of mylar for when the seeds sprout.
I am currently in the process of making mylar reflective shields for my light fixture and a mylar tent that will cover everything. Maybe this will help raise the temp if I can't keep it high enough. If I get hot spots in the tent for some reason or another I have a spare computer fan I can wire up and put in the tent to circulate air. It can also be used to "harden" up the plants before I transfer them outside.
Sorry for the cell phone pics bit I don't have a very good camera (I do have a decent video camera though so I may make my glog video based and have 1-2 min updates every so often)