I have wanted to start the time consuming process of a GLOG for the last couple years. School has gotten the best of me but i think i will be able to squeeze the time to create one this year and actually enjoy it rather than stress me out. I have started 60+ varieties of bhuts, 7pots, TS, and habs the other day in horticubes. I planted two flats of 108 cubes/flat with 3 cells for each variety. Currently two days later they are starting to send out roots. I will get pictures up later but I am currently at my research lab and bored so I thought I would start the thread. I look forward to sharing my season with you.
As far as where I will be planting, I currently am a Grad student at OU and have the ability to use their greenhouse to harden off my plants. I will still start all seeds at my house under grow lights and move them when they are strong enough and potted up. We have a garden here at school which consists of 2 60'x80' plots of dirt. Last year I planted nearly 100 plants down two rows equaling 120' of peppers. They exploded to around 6' in length by the end of the season so I know they like the heat here. I will post the other plans for the garden to come but I basically am in charge of it and have free reign over the layout. I also get the tilling done for free and have volunteers to weed. It's quite nice.
to start off, heres a picture of one of the final harvest last year before the frost.

As far as where I will be planting, I currently am a Grad student at OU and have the ability to use their greenhouse to harden off my plants. I will still start all seeds at my house under grow lights and move them when they are strong enough and potted up. We have a garden here at school which consists of 2 60'x80' plots of dirt. Last year I planted nearly 100 plants down two rows equaling 120' of peppers. They exploded to around 6' in length by the end of the season so I know they like the heat here. I will post the other plans for the garden to come but I basically am in charge of it and have free reign over the layout. I also get the tilling done for free and have volunteers to weed. It's quite nice.
to start off, heres a picture of one of the final harvest last year before the frost.