• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

TheFanMan's 2014/2015 - Overgrown Pubes everywhere, some wild things hidden beneath.

Well this last grow season iv been pretty busy, so at the start i decided not to plant any more seeds and just to try and over winter some plants from the year before. This is how those over wintered plants look this afternoon.

Manzano Amarillo out front on both sides of door, ULTRA Pubes round the left side, Rocoto Peru Bitumi round the right side.








No need to start more seeds if you can keep you plants alive over the winter and have them come back looking so nice.  Love all the Pubes and wilds FanMan great job.
You really have some huge healthy looking pepper plants.Both pubescens and some wilds.Nice pics too!Looks like they'll produce abundantly for you...
the pubes really seem to like my climate, they even keep fruiting through winter. When the last of the winter fruit was ripe the spring buds were already opening.

just picked the first lot for the season, the plant is about 6' tall and has many times more pods that are still green.
red rocoto

red rocoto
Plants are looking great FanMan! 
Question for you. How did you overwinter these ones? Just left them outside? Trimmed back? Or moved them indoors before replanting outside?
I have a couple I want to overwinter this year so I'm interested to know how you went about it.
Burnzy said:
Plants are looking great FanMan! 
Question for you. How did you overwinter these ones? Just left them outside? Trimmed back? Or moved them indoors before replanting outside?
I have a couple I want to overwinter this year so I'm interested to know how you went about it.
All the pubes i left in the ground and gave them a trim in spring, they never stopped fruiting over winter.
The others i put into put pots and put in greenhouse over winter, then some went back into dirt in spring and some stayed in pots.
some pics from today
NOT scotch bonnet yellow jamacian
i picked 4L of fruit off this guy today and barely made a dint.



getting hard to get in the door


c.chinense getting bigger

Heavy Pratermissium i think
 That Not scotch bonnet has a crrraaazy amout of pods. Whats the leaf to pod ratio 1:1 it looks like  :drooling:
Pinhigh said:
Wow! What are you feeding those trees?!!
You could just send both of us a pm. you dont need to tell everyone  :shh:  :party: