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Theory On Tailed or Stingered Pods



These are what I could find AJ. I believe they're even the same pods with the pics a few days apart. The pods were very consistent. One of my favorite plants last year.

There is a picture of one of Megamastger71 Trini Scorp Choco AISPES pods that somebody copy and pasted into a post on my 2011 grow log, page 13, pic is on post #252 that provides visual proof that the "ring theory" may not be the cause of stingers. You have to see it to understand. http://public.blu.li...igrg/AISPES.jpg

This is one of the Trini Scorp Yellow AISPES that I grew last year.


These guys had all kinds of tails. I don't recall having to remove rings off of these vey often..

Hope this stuff helped.
cool pics Patrick and MM...I never pull anything off the pods but a lot of them naturally go away...

remember, just because you didn't pull them off, doesn't mean they were not on long enough to create the stricture...

and truthfully, I don't know what causes the tail but dang sure want to know...

Totally understand AJ.

After looking at Megamastgers pic with the two tails it sure opens things up doesn't it?
So far I've only noticed the annular ring constriction thing with Trinidad scorpion-BT. Other scorpion varieties seem to have a more naturally occuring "tail/stinger"