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breeding There's a Weird Cross Every Year

This may top them this year....a Yellow Fatalii grown from a plant thepodpiper gave me this Spring. Whatever could it have crossed with? Pretty #### cool!


you know....Potawie and I were talking about tails on another thread and we both believe it is the flower ring that stays on the pepper and causes the tail...if that is the case, you could force all peppers to have a tail if you catch them soon enough and you don't kill the pepper...I am going to try a couple of experiments with tying sewing thread around the tip of a pepper to see if I can modify the shape...

If this isn't the case, and the T Scorpion truly grows tails like that then thats my guess...

Have you noticed the flower ring staying on the peppers that are tailed?...I noticed this with my peter peppers...one plants rings stayed on the peppers and the other plants rings fell off....the plant where the rings stayed on were definitely not straight but rather penile like, the other plant were straight

Sorry to ramble Chris but this is interesting...either way it is a gorgeous pepper....period....
Now just if you could get the seeds to breed true you would have an awesome pepper. I think crosses like that are really cool when you can pretty much guess what the other parent was. I have a fatalli from the same source that looks normal until it finally ripens red. I can tell you mine was crossed with a bhut/naga of some type because of the taste and searing heat. I think yours is cool in that it still turns yellow with the scorpion shape. Still thank Dale for the great seed.
I am beginning to see Pam's point about using little flower "condoms" to insure pure strains. I thought that I didn't care if there was a fluke here or there. It turns out that a lot of my plants are mis-named, or hybridized. Often as not, the hybrids seem to grow strange leaves and stems and not produce well.

Also, for the rare ones (7 pot, naga, scorpion, etc.) I would like to get a sample of the real deal.
These pods look awesome! Looks pretty "scorpy", allright, but you never know. As AJ said, sth else might've caused the tail to grow. I got a tail on a 7Pot pod, so....
Got to be a Scorpion..but saying that i Have seen tails on more C.Chinese of late :shocked:..Very nice Pods Chris i love Fatalli my fave pepper :)
AlabamaJack said:
you know....Potawie and I were talking about tails on another thread and we both believe it is the flower ring that stays on the pepper and causes the tail...if that is the case, you could force all peppers to have a tail if you catch them soon enough and you don't kill the pepper...I am going to try a couple of experiments with tying sewing thread around the tip of a pepper to see if I can modify the shape...

If this isn't the case, and the T Scorpion truly grows tails like that then thats my guess...

Have you noticed the flower ring staying on the peppers that are tailed?...I noticed this with my peter peppers...one plants rings stayed on the peppers and the other plants rings fell off....the plant where the rings stayed on were definitely not straight but rather penile like, the other plant were straight

Sorry to ramble Chris but this is interesting...either way it is a gorgeous pepper....period....

Some varieties of Scorpion(and other types) have naturally occuring tails but the variety I have been growing doesn't seem to grow tails unless the flower ring causes mutations.
The pods had no seeds in them so I'm out of luck. Perhaps they were just immature. I've had that issue several times this year. I had to rip off 15-20 Douglah pods because they produced no viable seed. I am hoping the plant grows again, gets larger, and produces more mature pods. It should happen.

I'm sure they produce seeds as obviously Sara, QuebecFire, and others seem to have gotten it to that stage. :) Fortunately, I didn't rely on only one plant! :)
