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These look like Naga Morich Peppers

to you? This is my first time growing them but I'm willing to bet these are not Naga Morich peppers. The seeds were purchased from what I thought was a reputable site.

I have contacted the site to see what they have to say.

Hmmm, that's strange. They look to be growing like Aji Chombo's nagas, straight up! Maybe this is some result of expression of some of this plant's fructescens genes? I don't know Pat, you'll have to let someone else chime in on this. But the color of the stems and shape of the leaves look very much like my Bhut Jolokias. The peppers however have me stumped.
Not a Thai, isn't compact enough leaf/stem wise.

It looks like a Naga until you see the peppers.

If anyone wants to know where the seeds came from PM me. I'm not going to go public until I hear back from the sellers.
The seed for this Naga Morich came from the same packet that the others came from. The pods on it look like they're supposed to I believe.


What are the possible explanations? Seeds unstable? Wrong seeds in packet? Frustrating.

This one does look like it's going to be a monster. Would it be worth the effort to isolate some seeds from this plant?

yeah maybe they just got a mix up and the one seed was a stray? just kinda wondered over.

first almost seems like a tabasco - they grow up right?
I'm also stumped Patrick. But that should be no suprise to you as I'm a first year rookie. But the pods look like two of my plants that I thought were peach habs this whole time. After going through my grow log they are Naga Jolokia PC-1 peppers:(

The only difference is your leaves look more like Naga's, mine look almost vine like and are like the PC-1 pictures on the Web.

Nice to see all the pods though...
patrick said:
The seed for this Naga Morich came from the same packet that the others came from. The pods on it look like they're supposed to I believe.


What are the possible explanations? Seeds unstable? Wrong seeds in packet? Frustrating.

This one does look like it's going to be a monster. Would it be worth the effort to isolate some seeds from this plant?


Sure, why not save some seed. Looks like that plant is gonna produce a lotta heat for you with that node crowding. :)

I have enough trouble keeping stray seeds from under my nails when planting. Now I just moisten the end of a chopstick to pick and place seed. An error now and then from a seed sorter will unfortunately happen, especially with the smaller seed ops.
chilliman said:
they almost look like Naga Jolokia PC1 ?

A few minutes ago I just posted something about my confusion with one of my own peppers. It was sent to me as Naga Jolokia, and I believe it is the PC1 variety of Naga Jolokia. What a disappointing version of the plant! It might be perfectly fine, but I wanted to blistery intimidation of the C. Chiense variety!
FiveStar said:
Hmmm, that's strange. They look to be growing like Aji Chombo's nagas, straight up! Maybe this is some result of expression of some of this plant's fructescens genes? I don't know Pat, you'll have to let someone else chime in on this. But the color of the stems and shape of the leaves look very much like my Bhut Jolokias. The peppers however have me stumped.

Darned Tootin!

They look like almost identical to the 'Mysterious Naga X!'


I posted the name of the seed vendor that sold me the seeds on my thread, Patrick, but I'll PM you the details as well. I spoke to them and they assured me their stock came from a pure source. I can only guess that it might be a recessive frutescens gene manifesting itself. Your plant is very, VERY similar to mine (same leaves and all). The pods will eventually drop due to their weight rather than by design, and will be around 2inches plus long.
The plants would likely have to cross to be able to express recessive frutescens qualities. Likely an insect did some unwanted pollinating:(
As for the PC-1, I spend a lot of time warning people about this dissapointing variety. Seed sellers are still making lots of money off this crappy "Jolokia"
Potawie, could it still be theoretically possible for an insect to take pollen from the flower of one Naga plant to the flower of another plant and have the recessive genes in both manifest on the seed/plant of the generation after? I'm not that good with my genetics.:(
From what I understand, the recessive genes will show up mostly after the f1 generation, but if your plant got knocked up then its likely not recessive genes showing but traits of the unknown mother or father