These Look OK?

So funny my other post today everyone said keep em. Im on the fence. They are very motivational. The Bhut I love its bushy form...I see really nice things in its future. These reapers are SLOOOW!!!
To be honest, I'd keep them too.... we do grow for pods, after all! But if you want a big plant, pluck 'em as soon as they ripen
It's so hard to pinch them. This is my 1st attempt. Ive pinched flowers from that Ghost... pretty soon it will be hard it has about 20 buds some crowning. The reaper and the other Scorpion are not showing much new growth...but a few green leaves near top.
When posting the links to forums, use the IMG codes and it will show the pictures here without them having to be clicked on
code looks like this
D3monic said:
When posting the links to forums, use the IMG codes and it will show the pictures here without them having to be clicked on
code looks like this

[/QUOTE]]     <---  at the end.  If he wouldv'e put this there it would have displayed the image and not displayed the code.
Alternatively, and even easier.  When you start typing in the reply window a task bar shows up above the text box.  Look for a little photograph icon.  It is the 11th icon from the left on the bottom row.  Paste the img link in there.  It will automatically add the code for you.