flavor They kinda taste the same

Jubnat said:
Oh yeah, I've bought fake Scotch Bonnets like those at the grocery store, definitely an annuum.
It´s my understanding that the Jamaican Mushrooms/Squash/Red or Yellow Hots are an annuum chinense hybrid?  But to me, even just looking at the calyx, they look annuum as fuck.
Bicycle808 said:
Oh, dang... The pods in the pics look like Jamaican Mushroom Pepper....
They came out as a more pumpkin shaped pheno when I grew them out last year. I'm thinking they're the regular MOA that throws several pod shapes. But I can't be sure.
That's one theory and I definitely detect hints of annuum in some Bonnets... I mean, some taxonomists don't even consider chinense and annuum to be separate species, but I digress. I'd say that every true Bonnet I've had grows like a chinense (multiple blossoms per node) and has pods that look like chinense, in terms of the stem and calyx's structure, where these Mushroom peppers grow more like annuums and their pods appear to be annuums in terms of form. . . But, like many will-established cultivars, the true origins are shrouded in mystery.
Im growing the Jamaican Gold (squash/anuum) this year just because i was curious about them. The shape is supposed to be very similar to a bonnet. Flavor is supposed to be like a hot yellow bell. Nigel said his was about jalapeno hot but ive seen them rated much higher.
Winegums said:
Bicycle808 said:
Oh, dang... The pods in the pics look like Jamaican Mushroom Pepper....
Yes, those are Jamaican Mushroom/Squash pods in the pic in that link: C. Annuum

Bicycle808 said:
.....I'd say that every true Bonnet I've had.......
.....like many well-established cultivars, the true origins are shrouded in mystery.
"True" Bonnet (C. Chinense) description, directly from the MoA in Jamaica:

ShowMeDaSauce said:
Im growing the Jamaican Gold (squash/anuum) this year just because i was curious about them. The shape is supposed to be very similar to a bonnet. Flavor is supposed to be like a hot yellow bell. Nigel said his was about jalapeno hot but ive seen them rated much higher.
I grew Jamaican Mushrooms (accidentally, thinking they were Bonnets) in 2016. Delicious pods, don't get me wrong! Flavor was close to a less citrusy Bonnet, but nothing at all (to me) like a Yellow Bell. I'd say the heat was close to 150,000 - 200,000 SHU; way hotter than a jalapeño

Just my experience :cheers:

We've really gotta get Trident and Superhot Sim over here (to this thread). They're another couple of Bonnet aficionados from the U.K. :)
Yeah, i got mine because its supposed to be a very hot anuum. My seedling is from CCN. Nigel and a guy who reviewed one from Refining Fire Chiles both said around jalapeno hot.  I sure hope mine are much hotter than a jalapeno. I wanted them for a hot yellow anuum hot sauce.
MikeUSMC said:
Yes, those are Jamaican Mushroom/Squash pods in the pic in that link: C. Annuum

"True" Bonnet (C. Chinense) description, directly from the MoA in Jamaica:

I grew Jamaican Mushrooms (accidentally, thinking they were Bonnets) in 2016. Delicious pods, don't get me wrong! Flavor was close to a less citrusy Bonnet, but nothing at all (to me) like a Yellow Bell. I'd say the heat was close to 150,000 - 200,000 SHU; way hotter than a jalapeño
I looked through my pictures and I couldn't find any of the plants or pods I grew last year. I had a lapse in picture taking during August it seems. They definitely weren't Jamaican Mushrooms as the pod shape was smooth and looked exactly like the pods below. They were fruity, sweet, and as hot as a Habanero. It's likely that their product picture is wrong or was a stock image. 

MikeUSMC said:
"True" Bonnet (C. Chinense) description, directly from the MoA in Jamaica:
I grew Jamaican Mushrooms (accidentally, thinking they were Bonnets) in 2016. Delicious pods, don't get me wrong! Flavor was close to a less citrusy Bonnet, but nothing at all (to me) like a Yellow Bell. I'd say the heat was close to 150,000 - 200,000 SHU; way hotter than a jalapeño

We've really gotta get Trident and Superhot Sim over here (to this thread). They're another couple of Bonnet aficionados from the U.K. :)
It's funny, not to be negative, but I never really thought of the MoA being an authority on Bonnets because they got into the game so late. Send like folks have been growing Bonnets for multiple centuries. I consider Bonnets to be chinense, but I feel pretty confident that they have some annuum DNA in the mix, some strains moreso than others. Ironically, I get more of that Grassy annuum flavor note from the MOAs I have had than any other...

But I do truly love reading the MoA's guidelines for grading Bonnets by quality. That's fascinating stuff.

I think it's interesting that, a while back, I read that von Jacqui used a Scotch Bonnet as the type specimen when he formally described C.chinense... of course, that was back in the 1770s, so a lot can change in a variety of chile in 250 years, right? In fact, it is my understanding that the MoA's motivation for developing an official Bonnet was because some much mongrelization had occurred within the Bonnets on offer in JA, and they wanted to preserve the true Bonnet due to its cultural importance...

Dang, I love these peppers.

I don't know Superhot Sim, but I gotta agree re: Trident Chilli. He hooked me up in a big way with hard-to-find Bonnet seeds and I'll always be grateful for that...
There is always next season. I'd say it is definitely a grow worthy pepper though.
Bicycle808 said:
Muck, I'm super jealous. I didn't get obsessed with it until I had already gotten my grow well underway. I guess it'll wait till next year...
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