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nutrients Think I need CalMag and Nutes


So many threads discussing these supplements separately.

Isn't there a product that will deliver both of these in one product?

If not, there should be.

Pepper Food for Dummies (tm).
There are products that include with there nutes, The only That i have seen cal-mag by itself is bonticare. And i must say there customer supports sucks ass big time.

I know X-nutrients has cal (5%) in there grow and bloom if i recall correctly.
I mean like, is there a fertilizer that also has CaMg in it?

It seems like everyone talks about one or the other.. why don't they just make one that has both in it at the same time?
I personally want every little fert and nute product to be separate. This way I have total control over what the plant gets, how much it gets, and when it gets it. I think a lot of guys make the mistake of trying to do as little as possible and look for a quick all in one solution. It would be nice and convenient, but you loose control and that's when you plant suffers by getting things it doesn't need or too much of what it needed. Then the plant looks bad and what does the person do they give them MORE of what was hurting the plant to begin with. More me I prefer a totally inert soil, and don't mind adding a tbls of this and that once a week during their watering.
I personally want every little fert and nute product to be separate.

Yea Bill I agree with LGHT on this one, once you get the hang of it it works really well. You are able to control your N-P-K ratio in accordance with the lifestage of the plant. It is basically a 3 part system, you have your base say 5-0-1 and there is 5% Calcium and other good stuff in the base, then your grow 2-1-6, then your bloom 0-5-4, the latter 2 also have Magnesium and other good stuff...And the amounts vary per manufacturer. If you want to experiment with it before you buy anything go to X-Nutrients website, and request a sample pack, and they will send it the closest "home gardening" store near you and Nick or someone will send you an email when it is ready to pick up, I got three 8 oz bottles of each and that will go along way and make many gallons of good stuff.
Be Well
If you want to experiment with it before you buy anything go to X-Nutrients website, and request a sample pack, and they will send it the closest "home gardening" store near you and Nick or someone will send you an email when it is ready to pick up, I got three 8 oz bottles of each and that will go along way and make many gallons of good stuff.
Be Well

Good advice. I did the same thing with GH products. A local hydro shop had a bunch of samples made for foliar feeding. I picked up a few and really noticed a huge difference in how fast the plant responded. Plus it was a lot easier and more efficient feeding the plant in that manner. About a month later the owner wasn't shocked to see me buying full bottles of my samples and I haven't used a dry fert since.
Good advice. I did the same thing with GH products. A local hydro shop had a bunch of samples made for foliar feeding. I picked up a few and really noticed a huge difference in how fast the plant responded. Plus it was a lot easier and more efficient feeding the plant in that manner. About a month later the owner wasn't shocked to see me buying full bottles of my samples and I haven't used a dry fert since.

How do you like GH products? I know a lot of hydroponic growers don't speak too highly of it, at least for cannabis that is. They are an odd bunch sometimes anyways. :lol:
Just about ANY respected nutrient company makes great nutrients, as long as you know how to use them :) Some weaker, some stronger, some more pure, others not so much. Just depends on what you do with them. I will tell you this though...there are enough people here on THP worrying about cal mag deficiencies to last a lifetime! lol Hmmmmmmm :think:
How do you like GH products? I know a lot of hydroponic growers don't speak too highly of it, at least for cannabis that is. They are an odd bunch sometimes anyways. :lol:

Well, I know I like GH maxibloom. I do know that dyna grow is the best fertilizer out. One bottle beats the whole line of AN.
I was just looking at their site. Are the Liquid Grow 7-9-5 and Bloom 3-12-6 organic products? Are they for outdoor or hydro?
The cost looks about the same as I pay for Fox Farms Grow Big and Tiger Bloom. I wonder what the mixing rate is?
How do you like GH products? I know a lot of hydroponic growers don't speak too highly of it, at least for cannabis that is. They are an odd bunch sometimes anyways. :lol:

I use the GH Flora Series in liquid form and love them. I foliar feed them and plants respond very quickly. I can only assume that the guys that don't like them probably don't know how to use them. If your just looking at the NPK ratios you will think your getting jipped because they are so low, but if you foliar feed you don't need big numbers because the plant simply intakes so much more of what your feeding them. Flora Grow is 2-1-6, Flora Micro is 5-0-1, and Flora Bloom is 0-5-4. The reason I like their ferts is because they are more focused. During initial growth I don't want to give it any Phosphorus so a 5-0-1 fert is perfect. However during fruiting I don't want to give it ANY extra Nitrogen so a 0-5-4 fert is again perfect.

To me it's all about control and those ferts allow me to give the plants what it needs, but more importantly NOT give it things it doesn't need.
i use the General Organics Go Box set. I costs 29$ with a discount and has everything u need. It comes with BioRoot, BioThrive Grow, Bloom Fertilizer, Bio Weed, Bio bud, Bio Marine, CaMg+, and Diamond Black. Plus it's all organic. Mix a teaspoon of whatever u need in a gallon of water and your are good to go.
I can only assume that the guys that don't like them probably don't know how to use them.

No, they just think that Advanced Nutrients, Canna and other high end stuff is better. Maybe it is for their crop but for peppers I don't think it's that critical.
Peppers don't sell for $60 an eighth. :lol:
Are the Liquid Grow 7-9-5 and Bloom 3-12-6 organic products? Are they for outdoor or hydro?

Yea I looked too and had the same question? Looks like their is some good stuff in there a lil stronger then what I would use.

I use the GH Flora Series in liquid form and love them. I foliar feed them and plants respond very quickly.
To me it's all about control and those ferts allow me to give the plants what it needs, but more importantly NOT give it things it doesn't need.

Yep me too exactly and I am more then happy with the results

i use the General Organics Go Box set. I costs 29$ with a discount and has everything u need.

Yea I saw the little kit the other day and I think I might get one so I can do situation cocktails :}

Maybe it is for their crop but for peppers I don't think it's that critical.
Peppers don't sell for $60 an eighth. :lol:

Hehe, right...unless someone can cross a Ghost with some Kush..LMAO :hell: