• If you can't find a "Hot" category that fits, post it here!

Think the guy was kidding?

Vespucci - was that an answer to my question? Are we supposed to accept your prejudice and ignorance about people in India as facts?

Perhaps your just trolling, I'll stop feeding you now:)
MrArboc said:
Vespucci - was that an answer to my question? Are we supposed to accept your prejudice and ignorance about people in India as facts?

Yep. The burden is on you to prove otherwise! Later on, dude.
PrairieChilihead said:
Blah blah blah Vespucci. I won't even let friends and relatives have any of my peppers without ensuring that they understand what they're getting themselves into. Doing that to a defenceless baby is f'd up. I quiver to think what other bone-headed decisions that father is making.

Not to hijack the thread, but I find that to be a very interesting stance to take. Are you concerned about personal injury litigation? Social consequences of cousins with bland palates? I'm curious to understand your motivation.
Vespucci what you are saying does make sense, however needlessly placing a baby in a state of discomfort for the viewing pleasure of a wider audience seems unacceptable to me.
Different cultures practice different ways of life and as you stated Indian babies may well regulary chow down on capsaicin infused monkey testicles but that doesn't mean to say i would feed it to my kids.

I go so far as to say that if i witnessed in person any adult feeding infants HOT BURNY food just to video it and put it on the web they would be VERY sorry i saw them do it.

Another culture practices the art of placing the hands of young men in gloves filled with bastard hurty ants that actually poison the wearer.

I have a question for you, would you do that to a 12-13 year old??

As you said no flame war just colorful conversation.
Novacastrian . . . I saw some tv show about the dudes and the ants. I had always thought a bar mitzvah was a hellish right of passage, but that was some intense stuff. I don't think I'd ever do that, though I did tell one of quasi-god sons if he ate the lump of wasabi that came with his bento without crying I'd never call him a pussy again. Turns out I don't get to call him a pussy anymore.

But I digress . . . I don't really see this any different than the sparkling wiggles girl on youtube. I think the math is something like: (parent-who-thinks-impressing-people-on-youtube-is-cool + child-with-unique-behavior) * some-sort-of-edgy-outcome = child-who-moves-to-the-amazon-basin-to-avoid-people-saying-'youre-the-youtube-kid!'

And for reference, I've included the sparkling wiggles girl. Oh, and if you laugh, you're going to hell for being . . . I dunno, and if you don't laugh you need to relax.http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1742575
shayneyasinski said:
all of you guys seem to think that all habs are hot!!!
ever heard of no heat peppers?????
they are the same kind that indian girl eats

My wife brought home said peppers not to long ago from the supermarket...
I was like hot damn...then not so much....

We'd have to see longer than 16secs..
a baby will make that face to a green pepper

If said vid is real...someone needs their ass kicked
I agree that feeding a baby a hot pepper is wrong!!

All I have to say is that I have seen many a pepper that looks like a superhot only to taste like a thin skinned green pepper.

some people can take alot of heat but I have yet to see one out of a group of people out eat the others in ways that youtube has shown some people can.
i think it depends a lot on how developed the kids taste buds are for heat, sour, sweet, etc. the baby could suck on a lemon and not make a face. maybe he doesn't feel the heat at all.

now as far as giving him hot pepper and putting it on youtube is dumb. the dad is dumb, mom dumb - maybe they are also brother and sister.

i have a 10 month old and a 3 year old and i wouldn't even consider giving either one of them a super hot pepper like that. my wife would beat me so bad it wouldn't even be funny.
Hell, I warn adults when giving a hot pepper...who the hell would give a BABY one?

That's just messed up.

Ya, in India/Asia and such they eat hot from a young age..and have the genetics to back it up, but they dont' feed babies nagas either.
To me, its child abuse. Plain and simple. I have a 8 month old, Graham, he is the greatest in my life, next to my wife. I love my little man so much. If I personally saw someone give an infant a hot pepper, I'd call the police. The guy in the video needs his arse whipped, that is inexcusable.
My heart tells me that it has to be a non hot one, no father would subject his kid to that.

My head tells me there are all kinds of assholes in the world and this clown could be one of the biggest.

When my youngest daughter was about 15 months old she loved green bell peppers. Slice one up and she'd walk around the house like she had a popsicle. You think she'll touch one today? Not a chance.
I ran across that video a few months and left a comment on it. That actually IS child abuse. I hope that someone who knew the jackass that made the video saw is and called child welfare sevices.
Vespucci said:
I think the funniest part is that you all think he's an asshat. It's not like he poured hot sauce in his mouth or rubbed the pepper in his eye. The kid frikkin licked it.

I don't know the history of this, but I suppose it could be possible that the parents acclimated the baby to hot peppers before this by starting off with milder ones.

I know my 1-yr-old will eat buffalo wings if I pull the chicken off the bones first. I remove the skin and most of the sauce, but I don't go out of my way to clean all the sauce off the chicken or my fingers, and I have given him chili before that wasn't totally mild. And he loves it!

Also, this past weekend I was nibbling on a jalapeno just to see how hot it was, and he wanted a bite. I touched it to his lip, which was difficult because he kept trying to put his whole mouth over it to take a huge bite. It made him cry, but I don't know if it was from pepper burn or because he thought I was teasing him by not letting him have it. :shrug: I wasn't about to let him have it, though. It actually was rather hot. He does love bell peppers though and might have though that was what I had.