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Thinking about next year

As I've gone through this season I've learned a lot , but still have so much more to learn. This year I made two big beds out of concrete. After reading more I've learned you don't want to grow peppers in the same soil two years in a row. I do plan on growing a cover crop over this winter. Not sure what yet ....

Because I have sprinkler system for the lawn ..... and a wife . I'm thinking about making a table/shelf that runs along both sides ( only one side shown in photo ) of my fenced area. The idea is to keep it high enough to mow underneath and keep the wife happy. I'll make a metal frame to support 5 gal buckets. Then I can let my other beds rest from peppers and grow thing else in them and still grow peppers with my limited space.

Before I do this I thought I'd ask if anyone sees anything wrong with my idea on the table/shelf. It would be better to learn from you guys now.

Thanks & Peace ,
P. Dreadie

The main reason they say to rotate crops is to reduce the chances of diseases. If you properly amend the soil and didn't have any problems with pepper diseases this year you should be fine growing them in your raised bed again next year too.

Since this is a raised bed one thing you could do is cover it with black plastic to raise the soil temp and help to kind of sterilize the soil.

You could also just put your 5 gallon buckets on top of the raised beds and just separate it with plastic or plywood. That way the wife won't think you are any crazier then you are.
M.B. Thanks for your thoughts. I'm thinking I want to grow something in the beds. There's so many nice things to eat from a garden.

Peace ,
P. Dreadie
P. Dreadie I would definitely grow peppers in your raised beds every season. Just be sure to get a soil test and add back what the soil needs and you should be fine growing in that same spot. I did not understand your question the first time I read this. Crop rotation is only for those that have all the extra field of dreams. Looks like you could have used some dolomite lime or bone meal earlier in the season this year, check the ph of your soil.
Hey P. Dreadie...you need to make sure you "turn" the soil in the raised beds while adding new soil IMO...

my raised bed is 24" deep and it gets turned every year in december to bring all the stuff deep to the top...
AJ ,

I certainly plan on turning the soil. I'm also going to have the soil tested. I figure they'll tell what's up. In 'Rillo Jack frost hits sooner so I'll be doing that before December. And I'm sure I'll need to add "something" ??? before next season. So I'd think the longer things got to sit & blend , the better.

P. Dreadie
I do recommend rotating your crops whenever possible, but its not always easy. Plant specific diseases, microbes and pests can accumulate in your soil causing major problems over time

In my reading that's what I heard. So I do plan on planting something else in my beds next season. I don't really want to use buckets for my peppers next season but I think it's best to look at the long run and good crops all around.

Is a cover crop over the winter a good idea? If so what would you or you guys use?

P. Dreadie
Hi P. Dreadie,

I've been growing peppers in the same garden area every year for the last 16 years. Every year I add topsoil and manure and turn it over. And I seem to get more peppers every year. Of course, I have no choice. That's the only place I could grow them. Thanks again for the seeds you sent me...they're doing great.
Hey PrairieChilihead !! Long time we no speak !! Good to hear from you.

I'm glad those seeds are doing good for you. I hoped they would. I hope this next season I'll have better luck with the seeds you sent. I only put one out because of my space and the dang hail killed it !! It killed a few others but I have to say I don't miss them because I've been getting a lot of peppers. I already have enough in the freezer for my needs until harvest time next season I pretty sure.

Thanks for your feedback here.

Peace ,
P. Dreadie