• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

third turtle ranch: growth.......

Sven is our garden guard and only he knows what we have..............this is the first of our pics from our garden glog


BTW....the bandaid on Svens finger was put on him 40 years ago by my wife......
something to say about stuck on bandaid....bandaid stuck on you
Scovie named him
I was raised on a large farm. I know that a place such as yours does not easily happen Sic. It takes the kind of dedication and hard work that not many folks are willing to expend. Your place, your animals and your plants are an adventure for all of us to enjoy! But, not one that hardly any of us will ever experience.

I'm following and enjoying the ride. Great job on all fronts Sicman!
Bigoledude said:
I was raised on a large farm. I know that a place such as yours does not easily happen Sic. It takes the kind of dedication and hard work that not many folks are willing to expend. Your place, your animals and your plants are an adventure for all of us to enjoy! But, not one that hardly any of us will ever experience.I'm following and enjoying the ride. Great job on all fronts Sicman!
I couldn't have said it better myself. Every time I check this out, I am more impressed with what you have done. Just a year ago all you had was a brand new green house and a shit-ton of empty pots. Now look at all that green!

Sven must be pleased. :lol:
P.S. We need a current photo of Sven!
Amazing what the 3rd Turtle Ranch get's to pull off ! Starting seedlings at this time of the year , while I'm hoping a large part of mine will turn colors before the weather change here . I've been getting ripe peppers but not the one's wanted badly . The Scotch Bonnets . Lovely large pods everywhere but they're still green .
Glad it's rockin' for Ya' Sicman 