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chinense This is not a Habanero, is it?

are they more yellow than orange ? If more yellow I would be on the Fatalli side - I think supermarkets put everything that is hot and a pepper as habanero as people know that pepper is hot for comparison. Not many people would know that a Fatalli will kick their @ss. They do to me everytime. They are my Kryptonite.
Definitely not habaneros. Could be fatalii or devil's tongue, but there are several others that are very similar.as well. Ripe fataliis can be yellow or orangish depending on when they are picked, spectum of light, and possibly environmental factors
Is that price in Euros ?

Those are some expensive peppers my friend! About $23.50/lb. if I did my math correctly.

They do look nice though, I'd probably pick up a few pods to taste and take seeds.
Today i went to the supermarket to buy some of these peppers. But when i saw them, i decided not to buy any, because i did not fint one that looked more or less fresh. And i did not want to buy them just to get seeds. But maybe they get some fresh stuff whithin the next weeks or so. (At least i hope so.)

I looked for the colour again: there were some that looked more yellow, others that looked more orange.
Today i found these peppers in another supermarket an bought one. There were also real yellow Habaneros in the same box. All sold as Habanero from Uganda. Price: € 2,99/100g. I found one of the unknown that looked ok. So i bought one of these an one of the real Habaneros to compare them.


My opinion about the taste: The unknown tasted hotter, not as sweet as the habanero and a bit tart. The taste and spice did stay shorter than the Habanero taste and spice. The Habanero tasted sweet and a little like Bell Pepper, i think. Not really what i expected knowing the taste of Habanero red.

I'll keep the seeds of both and grow them next year.
Found this: http://jayfortune.21food.com/showroom/718493/product/yellow-habanero-chilli.html

Well, i'll never know what it is excactly. Maybe its just some selection out of habanero they did in Uganda. I'll keep the seeds and think about ow to call them, so i can remember what i grow.

What is this then?

Are these Habs you grow? And do they grow on the same plants with "typical" habaneros. Or are there only peppers like this on the plant? Thank you.
They are not habaneros(even the "real habaneros") which are a very specific variety and should look like a hab, taste like a hab, and have the same origins as a hab.
I'd just call them unknown yellow C. chinense and forget trying to give it a known name which usually just leads to further taxonomy issues
They all looked great ! The stems looks like the pods have some mileage. I think that may mess up the tastes. But that's a great selection !