This seasons must have plant?

Don't know any Wiki type sites but here are a couple database sites that have a lot listed:

Chileman is kind of the go to database with pictures. It also has pictures of a lot of wild species.

Very interesting sites
My pepper interests this year pretty much mimic last year's... primarily C. chinense species (large, wrinkly, very hot types of all colors) and superhots. I had bad luck last year with the Fatalii and Antillais Caribbean so I'm especially looking forward to those ones, and I never tried the 7 Pot or Rocoto Yellow so those ones are high on my interest too. Most of the plants I'm growing this year I also grew last year, and if all goes well, I have a Tabasco and Rocoto Red plant that I'm overwintering from last year and would like to see how they turn out on their second year. I'm also growing my favorite (and hottest) two jalapeno varieties from last year: the Jalapeno M and Biker Billy Hybrid. The Chocolate Habanero, Mustard Habanero and Yellow Scotch Bonnet are three that I really enjoyed last year and can't wait to get again.

Same as last year, I am only growing one of each type--so there's not much room for error. Last year one plant (Aji Rurrenabaque) was not the right variety... hopefully there are no mix-ups this year. 30 varieties/plants total. It was two or more of each variety for extra safety, or more varieties--I chose more varieties. It's a tradeoff I hate being forced to decide on, but space and money are the big culprits.

Edit: Oh, and the Chocolate Bhut Jolokia too--I forgot about that one. Never had it before.
Well I don't recommend Hungarian Black, the buggers keep wilting to death for no reason (that I can forsee)
Ahhh, the sweet aroma of Super Lemon Haze gently circling over head...Whoah, wait!!! Those are Copter's Choppers circling overhead!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Probably safer to just grow the Opalkas Omri. ;)

To be honest my dream plant is a Super Lemon Haze, but in real life I'd be growing Opalkas...

Just found this recipe for Super Lemon Haze

Mise en place:

2 cups diced roasted green chiles
2 grams of ground Super Lemon Haze activated in 1 oz of olive oil
1/2 cup diced sweet onion
1/2 cup diced tomatillo
1/4 minced cilantro
1/4 teaspoon cane sugar
2 diced jalapeño peppers
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice


Combine the roasted green chiles, 2 gram activated olive oil of Super Lemon Haze, sweet onion, tomatillo, cilantro, cane sugar, jalapeno peppers, and fresh lime juice in a pan. Cook on medium low for 10 minutes. Transfer to a food processor and pulse until well combined. Let this mixture chill in the refrigerator for 10 minutes then serve and enjoy! This makes 4 servings at a 1/2 cup each with a 1/2 gram cannabis.
Interesting recipe joey.

This season for me (i decided one season isnt enough, screw the cold im growing!)
Is all about rocotos..

I have to pick from over 50 varieties and really can only grow about eight. :eek:
Going with the flavor buzz my main two were the bonda ma jaque and the fatali. With the superhot varietys coming in a close second with bhuts, 7pots and trinidads.

After getting a baggie of dried fatalis from a friendly local, I'm now obsessed with getting this variety growing. He gave me a couple dried bhuts too, but I've been too chicken-pants to mess with them yet.
Well I don't recommend Hungarian Black, the buggers keep wilting to death for no reason (that I can forsee)

I do not have any problems with growing Hungarian Black. Although I do not like the taste of the pods too much.
Also my must have for this year is Blondie and CAP 1474. Both of them are baccatums and they are the best ones IMHO.

The Blondie is the last year surprise - I really like the pods when they are not yet matured. And CAP 1474 is my all time favorite.
Datils, but would love to try a bishops hat... other than that red hab and fatali just like every year... i was given some ghost pepper seeds, so i am gonna try a few, but I'm sure it will be too hot to do much with other than torture friends.
I am willing to bet that the most commonly grown chilli by members of this forum is the Fatali so they must be good eating.
I am looking forward to the Chocolate Bhut as well. The seeds I had last season did not grow true. The Goat Pepper I received from Chris should be really good. I am also looking forward to growing Ariane and Early Sunsation. I started these two for my father last season but he would use them before they ripened. I am also bringing back Fatalii this season so that is good.
those are good seeds you ya this year buddy watch out they are killer haha happy growing Leo
Datils, but would love to try a bishops hat... other than that red hab and fatali just like every year... i was given some ghost pepper seeds, so i am gonna try a few, but I'm sure it will be too hot to do much with other than torture friends.
its very true about being so hot you can hardly eat but i have found if i make powders you can use just a pinch to spice up your life
Just found this recipe for Super Lemon Haze

Mise en place:

2 cups diced roasted green chiles
2 grams of ground Super Lemon Haze activated in 1 oz of olive oil
1/2 cup diced sweet onion
1/2 cup diced tomatillo
1/4 minced cilantro
1/4 teaspoon cane sugar
2 diced jalapeño peppers
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice


Combine the roasted green chiles, 2 gram activated olive oil of Super Lemon Haze, sweet onion, tomatillo, cilantro, cane sugar, jalapeno peppers, and fresh lime juice in a pan. Cook on medium low for 10 minutes. Transfer to a food processor and pulse until well combined. Let this mixture chill in the refrigerator for 10 minutes then serve and enjoy! This makes 4 servings at a 1/2 cup each with a 1/2 gram cannabis.
lol i have another kind plant named super lemon haze hahahahahha