this weather sucks!!!!!

I agree with the suckage of the weather.  It snowed here on Saturday.  SNOWED!!!  Why?  It's the middle of May.  I usually plant out on the 24th-ish and that's still the plan but when you see snow and frost the week before it does make you a little nervous.
We got 2.6 inches of rain in the last 24 hours. It has been down in the 40's at night. I haven't seen the sun in 2 days. This weather does SUCK!
The all time record for consecutive days of rain was set for DC/NoVa this month. Then the day it finally stopped raining had a 59 degree high, a 38 degree low, and it was still overcast and windy. The high for today is 56 degrees, and it has been raining all day. It looks like we might actually see the sun starting next Wednesday the 25th though. My pepper plants are pissed, but somehow my grass is growing like crazy, forcing me to mow it every week.
Overcast today, feels like 82°. Feels pretty dayuum good. Been hitting 90° for almost 2 weeks.

Think I've already gotten 2 seat belt brandings this year already!
someguy said:
We got 2.6 inches of rain in the last 24 hours. It has been down in the 40's at night. I haven't seen the sun in 2 days. This weather does SUCK!
Its coming to an end soon, and finally. Not so much the rain but the overnight lows will get back into 65 where I am.  80s daytime. Its been slow this spring. 
We're getting there guys. Slowly but surely. Trust me, I know crap weather, I live in Wisc., and I was literally watching snow fall last wknd. Temps are looking good for the next week+. It is getting old dragging plants in and out.
Same here in Central Europe. Same with vineyards - 80% loss this year, and it will take years for the vines to recover.