Thought you guys/gals might find this cool :-)

Cool and interesting read. I grew up in Covina. My dad still lives there. I've been by the plant a few times. I'm surprised (and happy) they buy their peppers just up the coast - woulda swore it would be Mexico. Nice to hear about a long-time successful US pepper farmer.
Ha!  I didn't know Underwood sold to Sirachi.  My wife just bought cherry bomb peppers and carrots from Underwood at the Farmer's Market, today!  Wow, as many red as there are green peppers in that trailer! 
I haven't been to the North Woods Inn Restaurant! It's a bit of a drive. :drooling:
Weird you mention that. When I past the truck, I quickly glanced at the peppers and noticed some looked soft and wrinkly (the red ripest ones).
Good question. I don't know.
To my understanding they get put into barrels for an extended amount of time to ferment I think it was. They will probably finish turning by then. 
There's a sriracha documentary bit on Amazon Prime streaming. It's worth watching. Pretty good American Dream story about how the sriracha guy built his business.
Northwoods!! My girlfriend turned me on to that place. Delicious! I heared the Sriracha plant is why our grocery stores don't carry red jalapeños.