I absolutely MUST grow some red savinas now that I've seen your vid of that lil' beauty.
I don't think I've laughed that hard in weeks, I think I scared my dog when you described it as Nirvana.
I absolutely MUST grow some red savinas now that I've seen your vid of that lil' beauty.
I don't think I've laughed that hard in weeks, I think I scared my dog when you described it as Nirvana.
yup - you cant buy advertising like that. An honest test in side-by-side comparison live on cam. With a spoon that sets him apart from all the others lol.
Agreed all around. Neil is, the man! The first time I watched him do sauce was the best. He kept pouring it on and on that spoon. "Oh here's a spot that can hold a bit more." Watching him do his thing is what gave me the cajones to do it too. I'm just glad I didn't see his Red Savina video before I tried one, I sure as heck wouldn't have done it if I had.
If they have a Chili Hall of Fame that spoon has got to be in it. Right up front for all to see.