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I absolutely MUST grow some red savinas now that I've seen your vid of that lil' beauty.
I don't think I've laughed that hard in weeks, I think I scared my dog when you described it as Nirvana.

Cheers, mate!
Skydiver said:
I absolutely MUST grow some red savinas now that I've seen your vid of that lil' beauty.
I don't think I've laughed that hard in weeks, I think I scared my dog when you described it as Nirvana.

Cheers, mate!

Did you see the Naga Morich??
His Vid's are GOLD.....

"and the back of my throat is caining" :D

I think there is only a few of his vid's that he hasn't said that....:lol:

Makes me laugh every time....
yup - you cant buy advertising like that. An honest test in side-by-side comparison live on cam. With a spoon that sets him apart from all the others lol.

viva la hippyseed :cheers:
Agreed all around. Neil is, the man! The first time I watched him do sauce was the best. He kept pouring it on and on that spoon. "Oh here's a spot that can hold a bit more." Watching him do his thing is what gave me the cajones to do it too. I'm just glad I didn't see his Red Savina video before I tried one, I sure as heck wouldn't have done it if I had.

If they have a Chili Hall of Fame that spoon has got to be in it. Right up front for all to see.
Davetaylor said:
it ain't no spoon it's a bloody ladle! :lol:


There is no spoon.
Hahaha! Right on mate! Neil is the man, and yes that spoon is freakin crazy. Neil and Andrews 7Pot videos are my favorite.

"backamuh throaat!" Lol! Nice.;)