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smoking Time for MY Steak

After looking, drooling and wanting all of your steaks and BBQ items, I have decided to make some of my own. So...I thawed out some local raised and butchered beef strips. Right now I have them marinading with a layer of Chocolate Hab Powder, Aneheim Powder, Garlic Powder and Black Pepper. Both sides are covered with my rub but first I drizzled some extra virgin olive oil on them. It's 2:03 PM here and I plan on placing them on the grill around 6 PM and cook them for about 3 -4 minutes per side.

I'll be sure to post a finished product pic.

NY Strips? Looks good to go.
thehotpepper.com said:
NY Strips? Looks good to go.

I think they are NY strips. My butchers calls them Strip Steaks, but I think they are the same. I just know that coming from a local raised cow, they are the most tender piece of steak I can find. Well...beyond the fillet of course.
Yeah, looks like a NY. Can't wait to see how the turn out.
looking good PF. I'm sure with your powders on them they will be great. I know I have really been enjoying them.
Oh...It turned out great!!! However, I think it could have spent about 1 more minute per side. But, it was really threatening some rain, so I opted for a more rarer steak than I normally cook. Wish I could share.


Na man, more time would have been too much, this is prrrrfect!
How were the taters fixed? They look fantastic!!! though I can live without the onions.

I'm almost out of pressure canned spuds, which will not happen next year, unless some blight hits. No less than 48 quarts of taters will be preserved!

Heya PepperFreak!,

I love steak...but most people don't have the class to drink it with a SKULLSPLITTER!!!!! man i love that carmalized taste...when I was homebrewing I made a clone that was close...and dam that stuff is good...and the name is appropriate too :)

Hope you enjoyed that steak...and the Awesomeness that is Skullsplitter
PeterPepperPicker said:
Heya PepperFreak!,

I love steak...but most people don't have the class to drink it with a SKULLSPLITTER!!!!! man i love that carmalized taste...when I was homebrewing I made a clone that was close...and dam that stuff is good...and the name is appropriate too :)

Hope you enjoyed that steak...and the Awesomeness that is Skullsplitter

Thankx man...The steak was great and the beer...I'm...er...Glowing in its pleasent side effect. Comes on rather fast doesn't it?
I'm a guy who likes it just a bit pinker but I wouldn't say one bad thing about that piece of beef. Looking good! Can I just chew on the burnt fat? I can almost taste it.