tiny red bbg7 pod

Second seasons should be hotter than first.. And slow to mature pods due to weather etc. even though smaller in general I have found to still produce huge amounts of Capsaicin so they can rock the heat..

Thought I share one bleeding calyx :rolleyes:
Pretty cool calyx's there Justecila, I still have one plant that I'm overwintering, although if it doesn't warm up soon I may lose it along with some other rare wilds that are just holding on. 
Chris is a great guy I've known him for quite a few years, Judy at pepper lovers has two types the larger one isn't quite as hot compared to the original one, although both will set you on fire.
NO YOUR RIGHT ON THAT , i took the second pod to work last week it ripened ( only 1/2 in diameter ) just a preemy .  i gave it to a co - worker who eats some heat . i watched him eat it during lunch his eyes squinted he got up walked in circles looked like he was stoned . he lost his color for 1/2 hr.  and wanted to puke he said . i told him it was just a preemy wait till the big boys come on . he said he'd never eating that one again !  i laughed the rest of the day !     :onfire:

TrueNorthReptiles said:
Pics or you're lying... :rolleyes:
no not lying my friend , just plain never thought of it till they were eaten . i should of took pic. when i took pic of the full size yellow scorpion pod that was on the plant next to it . ! i 'll remember next time .     :onfire: