Tip of leaf @ 90 degrees

Hi friends,
I'll post some pictures this afternoon - I wanted to start the topic to get some conversation going. I'm hydroponically (indoors, ebb and flow) growing a few varieties (nothing crazy or cool like the rest of you, it's my first year and I've got a Bolivian Rainbow, Inca Berry, Yellow Vectura, Ancho Poblano and a few others without their tags... :x)
Anyway, on some of the plants (the Poblano specifically shows it the most) some of the leaf tips just bend straight up in a 90 degree angle.
Reservoir is clean, no mites/bugs/creepy crawlies of any kind. After ghosting here for a few months and seeing the best advice being leave them alone, I haven't done anything. If anyone has tips or suggestions, please share.
 to T.H.P!


I know they're not the best pictures but I think they illustrate what I'm trying to examine.
Thank you for the warm welcome! Looking forward to many years of prosperous (and not) growing.
I'm not sure what's causing the issue, but damn you have some nice plants. Leaves are green and flat - other than the ones with the tip issue. What are you using?

Wow, thanks!! That's really validating!

I'm using GH MaxiGrow and Bloom in a very ghetto homemade ebb and flow. I started the peppers in mid April from seed