Tips for keeping dogs away from my plants?


Staff Member
Does anyone have any tips or tricks for keeping my dogs away from my plants? Perhaps even a home remedy that isn't as expensive as some of the sprays ive seen online? One of my dogs busted through the plastic garden netting i have around my raised bed and dug a hole and damaged a couple plants. My peppers are all in pots and i dont know if they would bother them but i do see them eating grass and weeds often and i would be pissed if i came home to chewed up pepper plants. Any thoughts? Thanks
I know this is a crappy answer, but I had the same issue. You have to walk your dog more or find a way to keep it entertained. That's the only way I've found to keep it out of the garden.
Either that or build a wood fence or something it cant get around.
If your using compost/manures in your soil mix chances are you will never stop your dogs from wanting to get at it,they are attracted to the smell.

I had to relocate all my plants in pots to the front yard out of harms way of my dogs as the bacteria in compost/manures can make them very ill or even kill them if they eat enough.
you have to train your dog
Dogs and other mammals are supposedly repelled by capsaicin.... So you shouldn't have to worry about your canine f(r)iend eating your plants... But really, the best way to keep it out of the bed is training, barricading or leashing. Training isn't always possible, barricading can be too much hassle, and leashing can be a big no, so it is a tough one.
Edmick said:
Does anyone have any tips or tricks for keeping my dogs away from my plants? Perhaps even a home remedy that isn't as expensive as some of the sprays ive seen online? One of my dogs busted through the plastic garden netting i have around my raised bed and dug a hole and damaged a couple plants. My peppers are all in pots and i dont know if they would bother them but i do see them eating grass and weeds often and i would be pissed if i came home to chewed up pepper plants. Any thoughts? Thanks
What breed/s do you have Edmick?
This is what I did to my raised beds this season to keep my dogs out. 

It worked, but is a complete PITA to harvest pods. Along with keeping my dogs out, it also did a great job of keeping me out too. I cut out access holes in the wire to allow me to pick pods, but it still made it really difficult. 
I will go with a much larger holed mesh type next season for easier access. 
I have considered a electric fence energizer for pets as I've seen one in use to great effect. A friends dog wouldn't even step over the low slung wire even though it was off. It wouldn't even cross a point where the wire had once been.
Best of luck.
I remember seeing cat repelling plants at my local garden centre. Coleus canina was it's name i believe.
It was meant to be most effective on cats but also advertised to repel dogs.
I don't personally know if they worked, they smelled really funky though and i didn't ever see any cats near them.
The garden centre did have a dog though he wouldn't of even reached up to where they were on the stand.
Maybe that might be the way to go companion planting just as long as you do enough research to make sure whatever you go for is non toxic for your dogs or any othe local wildlife.
Naughty dog! I have never trained my dog to stay out of my garden - he was never interested - but do yell at him when he "marks" unprotected things. Usually my garlic is the most prolific collateral damage. I also have beehives and an electric fence. Sometimes, I bait it with bacon (theory is you want to shock a bear's nose and mouth or else he'll just pull the thing down without the bait) and he got the picture there. One night, I let him out, hear a horrible yelp, and now he gives the electric fence a wide berth.
However, my dog is an awesome gardening companion. He just comes out with me, lays down, and passes out. If I move around a lot, he pops his head up to see if I'm leaving, but then just crashes again. His snoring provides a nice rhythm. 
I have 2 springer spaniels and a mastiff. I'm still not sure which dog it is that did it. Everything i grow i grow from seed so its very upsetting to have so much time invested just to have the dogs mess with it.
Edmick said:
I have 2 springer spaniels and a mastiff. I'm still not sure which dog it is that did it. Everything i grow i grow from seed so its very upsetting to have so much time invested just to have the dogs mess with it.
lmao my springer spaniel was an expert in blaming things on the cat
I concur with walking the dog. Mine has a contract with me, I walk him 6 days a week and he agrees not to chew up the wife's shoes. If I miss a day or two, all bets are off. I also have a pepper kennel, only because when we rescued our dog he had heartworms. After treatment, the dog has to be confined and prevented from any exertion for several weeks or the dissolving worms can cause a stroke or embolism. I know it's not a cheap solution but it works wonderfully, peppers stay in the kennel, and the dog has free reign of the house & yard...