cloning To clone, or not to clone, That is a question

Lots of cloning systems out there.  been considering one since I found the local grow shop and seen the results they have been having. The question is, do I go with the expensive inexpensive one or go for broke and get a really nice one with LOTS of sites. It just seems like something you could get addicted to.
I use a mortar tray from Lowes ($5.00), fish tank heater ($10.00), a fish tank bubbler from Walmart ($10.00) and recycle solo cups with holes in the bottom (free).  20 to 25 solo cups fit in there with your medium of choice.  Fill mortar tray with water till it it is about an inch or two deep, let the medium soak it up for a day, adjust back to two inches.  Make sure the stems are far enough into the medium that the bottom and first node are under the water line. 

24 hours complete darkness then 24 hours mild fluorescent light.
Remove from the water bath after about a week.
When considering the cost of seed, I am surprised more people are not cheap bastards like me and clone the hell out of new seed stock.  I start seed early indoors and clone from the top so I can not only create new plants, but to keep the height to light about the same.  Get plants too tall under lights tends to create palm trees.  Great if all you are harvesting is at the top, not so great for plants like peppers.  Cloning lets a guy start their peppers in a sea of green sort of configuration.
Cloning all your plants from the seasons grow could be great if your seed source is true but if not now you have a bunch of mystery cross plants :) 
I agree with DIY and YOLO 
Joyner, yes if you wind up cloning from bunk seed you have more mystery plants than if you had just planted seed.  But if you bought enough seed to create as many of those plants, then you would have paid more for the same number of mystery plants.  Clones are just about free.  New seeds, not so much.
FreeportBum said:
I will never grow pubescens again from seed unless introducing a new variety.  Clones are the only way to go for us northern folks.  super easy, super cheap. 
Right on.  That and when you get that special mama you can rapidly expand her domain.  Have read that clones of clones will loose vigor after about 7 generations.  Do you know if that is true?  Kind of a debate in another circle, mama plants or no mama method.  Not sure which side is right.
DIY aero cloner if you plan on cloning A LOT (over and over and over), or would like it to potentially double as a Low Pressure Aeroponic system (with the right plants... not peppers, and the right design), but it's an expensive solution if you just need to clone a few to add to your season's grow. Solo cup with water, or Solo cup with perlite/water is pretty damn cheap and should work.
YOLO... if you need a new project to build and putz around with... DIY aero cloner. It's a great learning experience, and you'll be jamming twigs of everything into it just to see if it works.
I'll be breaking this down and photographing the insides, eventually. Possibly adjusting/adding to the sprayer configuration, but you can search "aero cloner" and find documented builds that are pretty much the same as what I've got going on. Some people run these things on interval timers, but most purchased cloners run their pumps continuously.
I was thinking aero cloner/LPA because I can grow year round in Miami, and YOLO. If I like the plants I already have... seeds are a PITA, take time, and run the risk of not growing true.
This can be simple, and cheap.
~6-9" tall tupperware, a hole saw, net cups and hydroton, and litter pan or pond liner larger than the tupperware and your in biz ...
It's really easy to automate and it's completely non-mechanical, which adds reliability that's significant in aero ...
The lower half of the roots hang in solution, the ultrasonic disturbance moves the water enough for a cloner, and the top half of the roots are in a fine mist ...
The pics with the fog creeping out of the hydroton are bonus.
** WARNING ** putting your hand over it HURTS! - but the plants don't seem to care ...
I paid like $50 for two way more than a decade ago now ... check more carefully for one w/ correct strength or surface area (and looks to be missing the power supply too) ...

I think I've seen turn-key one's on Amazon for $9-11 ...

There's an amount (depth) of overhead water that's "right" to making the mist, but it's a window, and it wasn't too finicky ...

I'd rec buying the mister, testing the water heights in pots and pans, and then buying the tupperware ...

I was planning to do a side by side lettuce raft vs that setup under an LED, but that space became my brewery ;)
Thanks for all the input.
I have only recently been contemplating adding cloning as a method of procuring additional growing stock. Unfortunately, in the midst of looking at DIY possibilities, my decision was made for me quite abruptly. Today, shortly after getting home from work and checking the plants that are in the process of hardening off, I discovered something had come to roost on a bbg7 plant and broken it fairly low on the plant.
qwik trip to grow shop and,

you sure something roosted on it or maybe just maybe got broke off for cloning purposes ? lol  cloning is a pretty good way to go tho ! 
moruga welder said:
you sure something roosted on it or maybe just maybe got broke off for cloning purposes ? lol  cloning is a pretty good way to go tho ! 
Yeah, I'm pretty sure. I would never intentionally break a nicely growing plant like that just for an excuse to spend some $$$. So now, with a little time, I will have 2 bbg7 plants.
Hmmm, what to put into the other 15 cells.
Grant,. girl friend years ago had one of those zen rock things with a tiny little water fountain thing and one of those ultra sonic misting units.  Ye, I had to put my hand over it too.  We are men.  It is what we do.
I've been successfully cloning in my fish tank filter. My pequin the broke grew roots in a week. I accidentally broke a part of my ghost and it's now sitting in the filter