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To fert or not to fert...

Not wanting to brush off your questions - I know they are sincerely meant. But do a Google search for fertilizers and the role of N-P-K as well as micronutrients. Every person probably has different thoughts about what is best for plants. But if you understand what nitrogen, phosphorus and potash, along with trace elements do in regards to plant growth, and the role pH plays in different types of plants, you'll be able to decide what you think is best.

these are the ratios I use

vegetative ratio 2-1-2

fruit/flowering ratio 1-4-5
thanks AJ. So I can get say a 40-20-40 for veg and 20-80-100 for fruiting?

Thats jus the ratio you go by, and then you just get whatever product fits right?

I have been searching and what not. I'm just trying to get something that will work good. Im not sure what works with peppers, thats all. I mean, to me a forum is to educate. I've searched and all too. like IGG says to use beastie bloomz for fruiting its 0-50-30.. or well he said that can be a go..

I'm just not sure if I can only use what I see in the store, or can I use hydroponic ferts. Ive seen humus, fish emolusion, and sea kelp ( I think )

there are alot of choices out there.. I'm just looking for help.
you got it...just don't burn them up and definitely follow the directions as far as dilution goes...I am talking about liquid concentrates...

one thing is you may want to go a little light on the mixtures that are recommended...I would use about 80% of what the directions say for dilution...
MrOneEyedBoh said:
I have been searching and what not. I'm just trying to get something that will work good. Im not sure what works with peppers, thats all. I mean, to me a forum is to educate. I've searched and all too. like IGG says to use beastie bloomz for fruiting its 0-50-30.. or well he said that can be a go..

I'm just not sure if I can only use what I see in the store, or can I use hydroponic ferts. Ive seen humus, fish emolusion, and sea kelp ( I think )

there are alot of choices out there.. I'm just looking for help.

Aren't we all. I've farmed on and off (or helped dad) since the 1960s and I can tell you, there is no perfect solution. One thing I am sure about - err on the side of caution. You can always add more ferts, but once you apply it you cannot take it back. I can tell you that one thing I learned is to use ferts high in nitrogen early in a plant's life, but don't overdo it. Nitro can burn a plant up in no time. Plus, it tends to cause vertical growth - that's why I suggested reading what each macronutient does to plants.

MrOneEyedBoh said:
Cool thanks! I really appreciate all the help you guys give me.

Can I use hydro ferts?

It's pointless to use hydro ferts in soil. Use hydro ferts for hydro, soil for soil.
Txclosetgrower said:
It's pointless to use hydro ferts in soil. Use hydro ferts for hydro, soil for soil.


I disagree. I got some ferts with a cloner I bought (hydro) that are exceptional for rooting in potting soil. The plant doesn't know if the nuits it is taking up is for water or dirt, all it knows if it can use it.

I am going to get stoned for saying this but MrOneEyedBoh, why not just go some basic over the counter soil and some tomato fertilizer or thrive designed for fruiting plants.....and some seasol.

It is basic and all you need to grow a general chilli plant....when It comes down to it, the sun, soil and water is all you need.....

It is fun to experiment with all the nutes and special mudiums but at the end of the day when you are growing your first lot of chillis the best way to do it is the simplest way.....and the results will still be good...

One thing I have learnt over the years is sometimes by making things more complicated, the general enjoyment can be lost.

only my thoughts mate. Not pushing you in any given direction.....Just remember if it stops being fun then you are working at it to hard...
no thats all I needed. A basic soil ( but people say Mg sucks, and thats all I can really get ) although I just found that I cna get foxfarm tree frog and ocean floor for 12 a bag. CHEAP.

but If I dont go that way then I'll get basic soil ( going to check out local nursery I just found ) and I'll get some tomatoe fert ( use this when? just like when its flowering? ) and what is seasol

Thanks /!
wordwiz said:

I disagree. I got some ferts with a cloner I bought (hydro) that are exceptional for rooting in potting soil. The plant doesn't know if the nuits it is taking up is for water or dirt, all it knows if it can use it.


Mike. He doesn't have either soil or hydro ferts at the moment i believe. What i'm saying is it's pointless to buy hydro nutes for soil when you can get soil nutes.

And there is a reason they make certain nutes for soil and certain nutes for hydro. You can use a wrench to drive a nail, but it would probably work better if you used a hammer. If there is a right tool for the job, why not use it?
moyboy said:
I am going to get stoned for saying this but MrOneEyedBoh, why not just go some basic over the counter soil and some tomato fertilizer or thrive designed for fruiting plants.....and some seasol.

It is basic and all you need to grow a general chilli plant....when It comes down to it, the sun, soil and water is all you need.....

It is fun to experiment with all the nutes and special mudiums but at the end of the day when you are growing your first lot of chillis the best way to do it is the simplest way.....and the results will still be good...

One thing I have learnt over the years is sometimes by making things more complicated, the general enjoyment can be lost.

only my thoughts mate. Not pushing you in any given direction.....Just remember if it stops being fun then you are working at it to hard...



If it's you're first time, you may screw it up. But that's how you learn. Just stick the damned thing in some dirt and feed it something, peppers are hardy little bastards.

I think we're all over-analyzing this whole thing a bit much.
Txclosetgrower said:
And there is a reason they make certain nutes for soil and certain nutes for hydro. You can use a wrench to drive a nail, but it would probably work better if you used a hammer. If there is a right tool for the job, why not use it?

True and very true, at least about the wrench and hammer. :)

But they make (or package) ferts for soil and hydro just to sell them! Doesn't mean that a 10-10-10 fert for soil is going to have different amounts of NPK than a 10-10-10 fert for hydro! Well, unless they lie!

Have great one - it's my bed time!

wordwiz said:
True and very true, at least about the wrench and hammer. :)

But they make (or package) ferts for soil and hydro just to sell them! Doesn't mean that a 10-10-10 fert for soil is going to have different amounts of NPK than a 10-10-10 fert for hydro! Well, unless they lie!

Have great one - it's my bed time!


There are other nutrients in ferts beside N-P-K. Those are just the big 3. I imagine hydro nutes would tend to have more of the micronutrients that plants would normally find in the soil, since they are designed to feed things growing in a completely inert medium.

But if it works for you, use it.
MrOneEyedBoh said:
no thats all I needed. A basic soil ( but people say Mg sucks, and thats all I can really get ) although I just found that I cna get foxfarm tree frog and ocean floor for 12 a bag. CHEAP.

but If I dont go that way then I'll get basic soil ( going to check out local nursery I just found ) and I'll get some tomatoe fert ( use this when? just like when its flowering? ) and what is seasol

Thanks /!

Seasol is something that you will get at any nursery or garden place. It is a basic seaweed extract that helps with root development and over all plant well being.....

Just follow the directions of the label and you will be fine......just remember that less is more with chilli plants if you over water and over fert you WILL kill it.....

one other thing.....Don't fert the plant till it has at least 1 full set of true leaves......just water will be fine before that.......

Learning is the fun part of it all...