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fertilizer To Fertilize or Not.....

Hey guys, just wondering what you all use for fertilizer on your seedlings, if any at all. I'm thinkin about picking up some superthrive tomorrow... anyone have any experience with that? I've also heard fish and seaweed emolts are good. Any input would be great. BTW I'm growing in pots if that makes any diff. Thanks
I wouldn't fertilize before the first true leaves.

Superthrive is not a fertilizer, it's a growth stimulate, it's got B vitamins and auxin in it. I use the fish emulsion and sea weed.
Pam said:
I wouldn't fertilize before the first true leaves.

Superthrive is not a fertilizer, it's a growth stimulate, it's got B vitamins and auxin in it. I use the fish emulsion and sea weed.

Did not know that... cool. I just heard it was good. I'll probably go with the fish emul and seaweed
I've used fox farms nute systems a few years back, but not on peppers. Overall I was pretty happy with them. I used their soil too, fox farm ocean forest.

There are tons of good nutrients out there, I'm using HESI again this year at least for now, Botanicare makes a badass nutrient line (PureBlend Pro Grow is their equivalent of Grow Big) and Canna makes a good line too.
http://www.hesi.nl/canada engels/index.htm

Whatever you decide to go with, start off at less than the bottle calls for, especially on seedlings. Go with like 1/4 strength, then work your way up from there. Always better to have too little than too much.
There are actually very nice fertilizers on the market that are not "nutes". I realize people here are fanatical about them, but they pretty expensive, and you can get equally good results with non-hydroponic fertilizers.

I'm just saying...
I picked up some fish emul and sea weed this morning for pretty cheap. I'm gonna give er a go and see what happens... Thanks for the input all
Pam said:
There are actually very nice fertilizers on the market that are not "nutes". I realize people here are fanatical about them, but they pretty expensive, and you can get equally good results with non-hydroponic fertilizers.

I'm just saying...

Lol I'm just talking about what I know. I live in an apartment and have a small space to grow huge plants so I go the hydro route, Or coco coir. I love that stuff.

Also, all those companies make a line specifically designed for soil.
Txclosetgrower said:
Lol I'm just talking about what I know. I live in an apartment and have a small space to grow huge plants so I go the hydro route, Or coco coir. I love that stuff.

I know, but I sometimes feel you guys come on so strong that there needs to a bit of counter balance.
Last year someone on here mentioned Fox Farm products so I went looking for them and I am glad I did. I pretty much use Fox Farm soils & fertilizers exclusively and had great results. It's a bit pricey but worth it.
westcoastangler said:
Last year someone on here mentioned Fox Farm products so I went looking for them and I am glad I did. I pretty much use Fox Farm soils & fertilizers exclusively and had great results. It's a bit pricey but worth it.

Nice Tuna! Yellowfin?

Yeah, I don't have a lot of experience using high-end ferts but FoxFarm has done me right so far.
my opinion

When I saw successful experiments done with the nutrients I am using that fed the plants continually, I was impressed. I know it was hydro but the same principle applies, you give your plants the food they need when they need it...so my feed/fertilize/nutes (all synonymous to me) is in the water. I go a little lighter than the "recommended" concentration.

You can give the plants what ever food works for you and in what ever method suits you...as is said, there is more than one way to skin a cat...
AlabamaJack said:
my opinion

When I saw successful experiments done with the nutrients I am using that fed the plants continually, I was impressed. I know it was hydro but the same principle applies, you give your plants the food they need when they need it...so my feed/fertilize/nutes (all synonymous to me) is in the water. I go a little lighter than the "recommended" concentration.

You can give the plants what ever food works for you and in what ever method suits you...as is said, there is more than one way to skin a cat...

I agree AJ, there is def more than one way to skin a cat. I'm just gonna experiment with products until I find something that works best for me and my growing environment. Maybe I'll find that I won't even need anything... we'll see