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to pick or not to pick

If I pick the pods off my habs, will it encourage the plants to grow more before they produce pods again? When I bought the plants, they already had pods on them, and produced even more after I repotted them. They quit blooming about a week ago, and started putting on a little new growth. They are currently about 10 in tall, and each plant has about 20 pods on them all of which are fairly large, but I noticed my other plants without pods are rapidly producing new growth.
If you pick the pods the plants energy will go elsewhere, either into new growth, bigger/stronger roots, new pod development, or ripening of current pods. It depends what stage the plants are in and what nutrients they are recieving.
I don't remember the exact number off the fertilizer i used, but the n&k were the same and p was a little lower. If I remember correctly, this should make it geared toward growth, which is what I am actually looking for. I live in southeast texas and we are about to have our hottest part of the year, and I would prefer not to have the plants producing pods during that time.
rds040800 said:
I don't remember the exact number off the fertilizer i used, but the n&k were the same and p was a little lower. If I remember correctly, this should make it geared toward growth, which is what I am actually looking for. I live in southeast texas and we are about to have our hottest part of the year, and I would prefer not to have the plants producing pods during that time.

If it gets real hot, the plant probably won't set new fruit anyway. It will however, continue to grow. So you might as well picks some pods or wait for them to get ripe and pick. 20 on the vine right now is not bad. It will make a lot more if it gets bigger and the temperature cools down a little.
it stays warm enough here, that they should produce pods till around thanksgiving. I think since I have 4 of these plants, I will pick all pods off 2 of them, and leave them on the other 2, and see how different the growth is on them later in the year. Since they are all the same size and variety, and I only spent $2 on the 4 plants.
It's getting to be that time of summer when pod setting will slow down or stop. I say let them ripen up then strip them all off to get some more growth before the weather turns cooler for the fall.
I decided to go ahead and strip all pods from all plants today, due to weather forcast for the next week. It has us at 100 nearly every day and when I got home, my plants were not happy to say the least. Gonna have to start watering them everyday now.
caroltlw said:
It's getting to be that time of summer when pod setting will slow down or stop. I say let them ripen up then strip them all off to get some more growth before the weather turns cooler for the fall.

Me too...