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To Pinch or not to pinch

March is here, the weather is starting to cool a little, and my Naga is finally putting out a few buds. These will be my first super-hots to grow, and I have not been into chillis that long, so I have no idea what will happen to my plants over winter. Do I pinch them out and possibly miss out on any supers until next year, or do I leave them on the plant, and hope they develop properly? The plant is a bit on the spindly side, but if it is likely to die anyway over winter, then I will try my luck.

My climate is pretty good here - we have not had a freeze in the ten years that I have been living here, but we get a few days each year where it only gets to 10 or 12C, and down to 4C at night. I will be putting up a little poly house outside where it will collect some heat during the day into the house bricks, and reflect it back overnight to help keep thing warmer.


Yeah winter sucks mate. All my plants will be dead soon, but I'm in Melbourne so yours should have more chance of survival. I'll be growing my first nagas next year. How old is that plant?
If you really want it bad, then let it grow and bring it inside when it gets too cold out. They will still grow and ripen indoors.