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to trim, or not to trim

hey all, this is my first post in a while

i have moved back to michigan and i brought a plant with me

here are some pictures. can you identify it?




anyway... it is cold here now so i had to bring it in

it is in front of a big window and seems to be doing fine after a few days, but there are TONS of buds and i am afraid there is not enough sunlight to support it

should i trim it so that the plant can put more of its energy into the existing pods?

thanks for your replies
I'd agree with Mitch --- the plants are pretty good about self adjusting and if it can't handle all of those buds some of them will probably just fall off by themselves.

i plan on overwintering it, so eventually i will have to cut it back anyway thats why i asked..

i want to make sure it lives long enough for ripe pods
i would put it in a bigger pot and put a floresent grow light on it and see what happens it shoold keep producing right ?
In the right conditions, it should keep producing... i have it inside, not a lot of light, and i would not put it into a bigger pot unless i had a grow room. it is sitting in front of a window that get maybe 5 hours of light per day.

i will say, i brought it inside with 2-3 pods, now it has 9-10.... so, i hope it can keep doing this well

I am not sure if it is a black pearl.... is black pearl peruvian?? my friends wife gave this to me and it is supposed to be heirloom peruvian,
So what I've got is a Black Pearl?


Bought from Pepper Joe as a "Fluorescent Purple". Is the Black Pearl an official name? Or two separate plants? The one in the first post definitely looks like mine to my eye, but the pics are kinda dark.

i will say, i brought it inside with 2-3 pods, now it has 9-10.... so, i hope it can keep doing this well
If it is the same type as mine, yes, it will do well. Mine had dozens of peppers before I pruned it to bring inside. None ripened mind you, but tons of peppers.

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I left the biggest ones on to see if they'd ripen. Nothing yet, but they haven't dropped.
Looks like Peru Purple to me but they are very similiar.

After reading your post about it being from Peru, I would say its definitely Peru Purple.
Hey! Great looking plant. A Black Pearl in my experience has pearl shaped pods ie perfectly rounded. There is another plant called the Black Prince... I have only ever seen pics of it, but it looks just like a Black Pearl, but its pods seems to be more oval like your plant. So I would go with Black Prince. Love the unusual colouroing in these chillies. The Black Pearl I have makes the most amazing chilli flakes... nice1 !
