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Today is a sad day...

it was brought to my attention that the freezer with the meats and PEPPERS were unplugged for an unknown duration.. the meat smells... most of the peppers were in ziplocks are now very soft and mushy....some were just in grocery bags... i feel it is not worth risking my health or anyone elses

3-5lbs of my WINTER and SPRING ration gone...

back to the drawing board
That is terrible!  We had that happen to us when we were living in North Dakota, and had just bought a half of a cow.  That is a terrible sinking feeling!
OH MAN THAT'S TERRIBLE! all that meat and peppers
i wish i could help with some pods but its all over for the year for me now
maybe there is someone one on here that can help that still has pods??(not volunteering anyone of course)
i hope thing will turn out better soon (very awkward situation)
thanks your friend Joe
I would give you a few pods, but all I have is 4 winter sized habaneros. If you want two of em, I could send em out.
Edit: and one scotch bonnet that's also tiny.
Denniz...I got one more pull...will have some Primos, Infinities, Chocolate Habs, Yellow Brains, Fatalii, some Bonnets and a metric ton of Birgits and Romy mystery pods. I will be coming up there Friday if you want I will hook you up.
Just checked mine---still frozen.
Tempted to throw them in the dehydrator now, as I will have a few ripe ones every week or so through the spring---enough to eat, but not enough to really do much else with them.
Haha...or in my case it would've been my wife saying get rid of these freaking peppers! 
"Oh look honey...somehow the chest freezer came unplugged, dang that sucks...can you get this crap outta here, just so happens I have a trunk full of frozen stuff I just bought."

Let me know and I will bring you some frozen later on if you're in need brother. I have 1 or 2....or maybe 50 extra gallon bags of them.
Denniz, I can share some frozen pods. I`ll probably be up your way after New Year, so could happily bring pods and Plumerias. 