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pod-i.d. Today's harvest - guess what I am growing


Pic taken just now (and you might be right if you tell me to clean the lens for better photos next time). All plants grown in Denmark and started from seed in Jan/Feb 2021 in a window sill. No greenhouse, no artificial lights, no heating mats. I use the cheapest soil (dirt cheap, actually, no pun intended) and the cheapest fertilizer. Transplanted to outside pots approx. May 18. This year's harvest will be truly enormous.

Who can tell the species and the cultivars?
The winner is assured eternal fame and glory on THP.
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Correct, the middle ones are Aji limo.
Middle right is not BG but Aji cito. Going clockwise from there: Thai, Aji omnicolor, Jamy (an obscure C. baccatum variety gaining popularity in Europe), Scotch Bonnet, Fatalii.

Re. my Scotch Bonnet, top left: I am suspecting it may be more of a habanero-thingy than a scobo (it was bought as a scobo in a supermarket in the UK some years ago and I grew the seeds). The shape, at least on this photo, is to me not very scobo-like. Depending on the pot size it may get quite elongated (small pot , fruit shown above) or plump (larger pot).
Let me know your thoughts.
Correct, the middle ones are Aji limo.
Middle right is not BG but Aji cito. Going clockwise from there: Thai, Aji omnicolor, Jamy (an obscure C. baccatum variety gaining popularity in Europe), Scotch Bonnet, Fatalii.

Re. my Scotch Bonnet, top left: I am suspecting it may be more of a habanero-thingy than a scobo (it was bought as a scobo in a supermarket in the UK some years ago and I grew the seeds). The shape, at least on this photo, is to me not very scobo-like. Depending on the pot size it may get quite elongated (small pot , fruit shown above) or plump (larger pot).
Let me know your thoughts.
Yeah, some of the others were very hard to come up with what they could be since there are so many peppers that have the same colors and shapes. The scobo does look much more habanero like, and I thought maybe Fatalii for the upper right, but they looked a little bit more bulb shaped than I usually see those. I guessed the Bulgarian carrot pepper because of where you live. If you can get seeds for Bulgarian pepper it might do well for you. Nice little harvest you've got there, hope you're getting more. Cheers.