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Today's Naga picking

I saw another Naga harvest post so I thought I'd snap a pic of some pods I picked from 3 of my producing plants. The sad thing is this is just my 2nd picking and probably the last as it's been getting very cold at night and we've been getting light frosts already. :) I have 9 naga plants still surviving but 6
of them only have little green pods and I think their going to die any day now, it almost makes me cry :(

Pepp3rFreak said:
I saw another Naga harvest post so I thought I'd snap a pic of some pods I picked from 3 of my producing plants. The sad thing is this is just my 2nd picking and probably the last as it's been getting very cold at night and we've been getting light frosts already. :) I have 9 naga plants still surviving but 6
of them only have little green pods and I think their going to die any day now, it almost makes me cry :(

Wow very nice!

I feel your pain with the fruit that didn’t make it.. had to harvest today myself. I noticed it was full moon tonight? Tomorrow? Isnt that supposed to be a good time to harvest for some reason?...
Interesting inquiry about the Full moon picking thing. Perhaps it brings the howling pain out in the nagas more if picked on full moon? :onfire:
scarecrow said:
I feel your pain with the fruit that didn’t make it.. had to harvest today myself. I noticed it was full moon tonight? Tomorrow? Isnt that supposed to be a good time to harvest for some reason?...

While there is a lot of mythology surrounding planting by the phases of the moon, I've never heard anything about harvesting by the phase of the moon.
Pam said:
Holy Moly! I'd be afraid to come in your house!

Bwhahhaahaa! It's funny you say that as lately my place has been the house of pain with all the habs and nagas being dried and cooked, just walking into the house burns your eyes at times and my wife keeps threatening to kick me out :onfire: The poor girl, she washed a knife that I used to cut up peppers when doing the dishes, and after words she rubbed her eyes and got burned really good. Needless to say I now have my own utencils now and have to wash them myself:P
Hi Pepp3rFreak, congratulations on your Naga harvest. One thing you could do is to save your best Naga plant indoors, this will give you a super head start and a much bigger crop on the next season. Another thing you could do if you don't want to see the Nagas die after all your efforts, is to root cuttings of your best Naga plant and ship them out to your good friends on this board, they would sure apprciate that live gift.

So the obvious question, how hot are they? And what about flavor / smell, are they unique in that regard as well?