• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Tokyo Burning: 4 weeks in, any advice on leaf discoloration? [2013]

Backdating things a bit... will add pictures later.
Day 1: Seedlings arrived from the farm on June 1st. Took them out of the box, put them on plates, watered slightly, admired.
Day 2: Left them outside for the day, brought them back in at night. Plants looked a little weakened from the sun.
Day 3: Forgot to take them outside. Whoops!
Day 4: Left them outside for the day and night. Rectangular planters & soil arrived.
Day 5: Woke up to see that the plants all looked very, very wilted. Soil was bone dry. Added a good bit of water to each (far more than I'd been watering previously; I had probably been severely underwatering in retrospect) and they all looked as healthy as I'd ever seen them by the end of the day.
Day 6: Cloudy, haven't watered the plants and they look healthy though the soil's probably getting dry. Preparing to transfer them into the rectangular planters; will divide the plants with cardboard so the roots don't get too tangled,  so that I can eventually move them to their own pots.
I started from seed in the beginning of March indoors and started putting them outside by the end of April. It was a really slow start since I had my "grow setup" downstairs in the living room and I dont want to keep heating on when no one is around during night, and as you probably know Japanese (older) houses dont keep warm/cool without the use of some utility. So the temp drops during night really screwed up the growth in the early stages. For next season I will try to designate a small space where I can keep a good temp/humidity throughout the weeks before they will be put outside.
Yea I am definitely looking forward to proper summer here. Although I worry about overexposure to the sun.
Ah, you have a proper house then! I only have a decently-sized apartment (with similar problems - concrete foundation so heat dissipates very quickly). At the moment nowhere to set up an indoor grow op. Since I'm growing from seedlings I should probably expect a somewhat low yield, but I'm not sure what the best way to overwinter will be.
Fortunately we have an awning in the backyard so I can position the plants to get some shade if necessary but the potting soil that I'm using really holds water well so the faster we get that sunlight the better.
Day 32: We have a flower! My good Thai Chili gives me the first bloom of my 9 plants. The flower seems to be pointing downward right now so I'll wait to take a picture until it's upright.