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Tomatillo flower drop


I was wondering if the flower is supposed to fall off before the fruit sets. Got some plants to show for those who like eye candy (and yes, those are upside down shoe racks as cages, thats how I roll...).



Wonder if these plants are too close together?
Also, assuming ideal conditions, about how long does it take to go from the flower to full size fruit? If anyone has a clue?
Its kind of a slow morning here, I suspect most of our users are doing things either in celebration of, or in preparation for fathers day tomorrow.

They might be too close, they are self incompatible, so just shaking the plant won't work like with a chili. Bugs have to pollinate them.

If those others are clones of your original that could be the issue too. I really don't spend too much time thinking about my Tomatillos, they just pop up out of the ground, produce fruit like crazy, and then come back next year for another round.

If that is your first round of flowers, you may have just been lucky enough to end up with all male, or female flowers. If its not the first, then I would look again at separating them a bit.
i've noticed on my plants just two plants close together produces some fruit, but having 3 more produces way better results. I think about month and a half to two months for the fruit to burst the husk, but you can pick them whenever. I have a bunch of tomatillos some in pots some in the ground in different spots around the house, and I always have many casualties due to wind, the weight of their own fruit killed a few, cats landing on them causing them to break, transplanting into different soil. Here's a bad photo 3 tomatillo plants and epazote.

I was wondering if the flower is supposed to fall off before the fruit sets. Got some plants to show for those who like eye candy (and yes, those are upside down shoe racks as cages, thats how I roll...).



Wonder if these plants are too close together?

Are all those stems from different plants? If so that will greatly decrease your plant size and yield as all the different plants compete for the same resources.
I've got two Tomatillos in pots - first year growing them.

I had all the flowers dropping and no pod development up until about 3 weeks ago. Then, I noticed bumblebees pollinating them and I started seeing pods.

Next year, I will definitely plant at least three.


Dont know if it was because of me playing around with hand pollination or just better conditions weatherwise, but I now have a few lanterns on the plants. Still tons of flowers not doing anything. I have no bees or anything around so maybe I will have to do it myself. Damn.


