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Tomatillos not producing (more than 2 plants)


I have a lot of tomatillos in two pots. By that I mean about 15 plants per pot and they are doing very well. Both pots are side by side to hopefully help in pollination. For some reason they are making tons of flowers...but then the whole bud drops. Also noticed a yellowing on leaves (probably from too much rain). I know about having more than one plant for pollination. The way I have them set up its insane that I dont have tomatillos out of my ears by now. I have no idea whats going on, can anyone help? I should mention all the seeds were from the same package.

These pics are from a few weeks back but pretty much look the same except they are probably a foot higher now with more flowers.
But this is the set up:


It (could be) too many plants in that size container, competing for nutrition and resources... 15 plants seems alot for a 3 gallon(?) container.
Have you checked the root systems?
I thought that might be the problem too, hmm...

I wonder if a bigger pot or adding some nutes might help. After all I've never given them any.
I have 1 single plant in a container at least 3 to 4 times the size of yours and it still wants more these plants grow huge best planted in the ground for them to do really well.