I have two plants that are doing great except no pods. They are located beside each other but I haven't had any pod set yet despite very good growth and flowers. All I can think of is that they're not being pollinated - I don't see any bee activity.
I would appreciate any advice since this is my first year growing them.
They are looking great now.I've got so many chiles coming I thought I'd better get a few Tomatillos going for salsas too. Too late in the season to start from seed so I Got 4 spindly, yellow plants from a local nursery and repotted in a 3 gal. container with water retaining potting mix fortified with a little fertilizer. Amended with a handful of epsom salts and they're greening up nicely.
That's weird... are you sure they're not husk cherries?My tomatillos don't grow up - at all.
They have more of a sprawling habit.
My one is about 5 feet wide, and about 1 foot deep, by about 10 inches tall...
The other one is not as wide, maybe 3 feet in diameter? But the same height.