Tomato Hornworms

I'm still a rookie so please forgive what might be an elementary question.
I have about 30 pepper plants and, just yesterday, noticed a huge infestation of tobacco hornworms.  I hadn't seen one in awhile and all of a sudden, I picked 11 off the plants yesterday and ten more today. Here are my questions:
  1. Do the larvae hatch all summer, or are there certain environmental conditions under which they might emerge now and again during a growing season?
  2. Do the larvae always hatch on the leaves themselves, or do they sometimes hatch in the soil?  Because today, most of the worms I picked up were on the soil and not on the leaves.  [Note that I sprayed yesterday, and that might have been the reason.]
  3. How quickly do they grow?  Can a tiny worm grow into a 4 inch monster if we happen to go away for the weekend?
Does anyone have recommendations for how to control them during the season and for stopping them in the first place, besides just using spray?  Since they come from eggs laid by moths I'm wondering if netting stretched over the juvenile plants will prevent the moths from getting there in the first place.   I've read online but I'd appreciate hearing from those with actual experience on hot peppers.
Thanks !
hammerhead pat said:
Go to Home Depot or Lowes and get a bottle of Thuricide……...
Roger about the pesticide.
Is there anything to do to prevent the eggs from being laid on the leaves or killing them before they hatch?  My garden has a tall border to keep the dogs out, and I'm thinking of stretching a net over the top.  Will this keep the moths away and prevent them from laying eggs in the first place?  It's my understanding that the products with Thuricide only kill the critters after they're big enough to eat my leaves.
Derelict said:
Roger about the pesticide.
Is there anything to do to prevent the eggs from being laid on the leaves or killing them before they hatch?  My garden has a tall border to keep the dogs out, and I'm thinking of stretching a net over the top.  Will this keep the moths away and prevent them from laying eggs in the first place?  It's my understanding that the products with Thuricide only kill the critters after they're big enough to eat my leaves.
Not sure if it will prevent the worms but I can vouge for it killing them !!!!!!