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tomato issue....


If it matters, its beef steak. The seeds sprouted about two months ago, no issues other than horm worms that ive been pulling off before they get an inch long until this morning.... it isn't visible in the pictures, but leaves that are about a week old are browning around the lower edges.... assuming the oil spray from a few days ago didnt mix right and somehow burned the newer growth at the time.... its pretty much the same for my peppers, not all of them though and the peppers are spotty, some new growth, some old growth.... tomatoes only have it on the newer growth.... last night everything got a foliar spray of seaweed and fish emulsion.... sometime late last night and early this morning, it rained.... the peppers weren't affected, it seems, but this morning, the tomatoes were more droopy in the branches with the thinner ones slightly corkscrewing....
Surprisingly, the only one not affected like this is the one ive been hoping it would die off rather than kill it because I don't have the space, its not in the ground, its been in an 18 oz solo cup almost as long as it has been growing....

It wasnt a lot of rain, I could inly tell it rained because the patio was dry under the table and chairs but wet everywhere else, but not noticeable in the bare patches in the yard, so it wasnt a lot, and they were watered the night before last night, but not as much as usual.... no aphids, no white flies, no stink bugs, a random bee here and there but other than that, I havent seen much of anything ti wirry abiut them....

Any ideas?
rhm3769 said:
.. assuming the oil spray from a few days ago....
.. no aphids, no white flies, no stink bugs, a random bee here and there but other than that, I havent seen much of anything ti wirry abiut them....

If you have no reason to believe you have pests, why did you spray all your plants with oil? 
You said to ignore it in another thread, but it seems to work in keeping ants off, after spraying they get stuck and die.... and it worked for the hornworms I left on a test plant.... theres too many hiding spots for bugs in the tomato plants and it seems I have a tendency for bites to get infected recently so rather than go playing in the tomato plants risking it, since the pepper plants were having issues, I went ahead and sprayed ythe tomatoes too....
When tomatoes get twisty and drooped like that it's often been a temporary stress reaction in my experience. The effect should be temporary, and your plant looks healthy otherwise.
Overwatering combined with a nitrogen application did it the last time for me, took them a good week to un-bend their way of that experience.  Another time i overwatered, and topped it off with aspirin water, they got all twisty that time too.  Leaf color would lighten a little but they did not turn yellow. I've also had it happen to young tomato plants in solo cups, too much love always does it.
Your dirt doesn't look very porous btw, you may want to address that for your future growing seasons. Just a suggestion but you can start this year by throwing on a bunch of pine bark fines (mulch), compost, and autumn leaves. The pine bark fines take the longest to break down so it would be the first thing i laid down this year.
One rule of thumb I follow is clip/prune all the low hanging branches and do not allow any branches to touch the ground. That will help avoid some disease but nothing is full proof. 
Thanks.... I doubt ill be here for more than a year.... mulch is on mt to do....

Been trying to keep the branches trimmed, been focused on weeding the beds lately....